mmmmmm, I was getting that. And this is a GREAT way to do that. I replied to one of your posts...and depending on what works for you, will either offer commentary as I feel moved, or can just serve as a silent witness. You'll have to let me know what would be the most helpful, or perhaps a combination?
one day, and you're already on your way to becoming the best lj friend ever ;-)
I like comments... I like to know people are hearing me. I feel futile if I post something all-important and nobody says a peep. But I'm not looking for advice necessarily, although I would never turn it away either. Don't feel pressured to say anything at all, but if something strikes you, then say it, and I'll take it to heart.
thank you...
I like comments... I like to know people are hearing me. I feel futile if I post something all-important and nobody says a peep. But I'm not looking for advice necessarily, although I would never turn it away either. Don't feel pressured to say anything at all, but if something strikes you, then say it, and I'll take it to heart.
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