Feb 20, 2010 21:43
As my best friend from highschool said, "Girl you got it bad." And I guess I do. And in some ways it is just driving me nuts.
I had a rough week, for me, at work just because I was putting in 10 hours a day and still feeling like I wasn't accomplishing everything that I could be. And then someone felt like pointing it out to me that I hadn't worked on his project all week. Doing two jobs at one time isn't easy and when one of them isn't in order when you get to it and has a lot of problems during the week it doesn't get any easier. I know I shouldn't let it bother me but it does.
I envy my friends / family that have someone to come home to, always have. But the difference is now I have someone I want to come home to and I can't. Have we talked about moving closer, not specifically. If I find a new job closer then yay! and as far as him moving never brought the subject up but there was a line in talks somewhere about "where I hang my hat right now".
Its all still new in a lot of ways but one thing is for certain we both wish the other person was around.
I also need to get into the habit of packing my gym clothes again. I didn't make it to the gym much this past week because of the long days and because once I got home I didn't want to leave. That is not a good thing for my happiness, for my muscles, or for my joints.
Please . . . someone invent a molecular transporter . . . could use one very much.