Its rained twice today and once I was in a movie theatre and the other time I was in my apartment. I could go out and get soaking wet, part of me wants to do it and part of me says why is it worth it. This weekend has been productive and yet lazy all at one time. I went out and took pictures and found that the places I went to had much better website than the attractions themselves. Nonetheless I took some pictures that I liked and I walked around a bit. I went out to dinner with B and then out to a bar afterwards to meet her brother and his friend. Today I've taken care of a wedding gift and refilling a prescription and ordered a new laptop battery. I have made some progress on a new crochet project and I have had my fill of corny action movies.
There are so many thoughts and feelings going on in my head and I have no idea really how to vocalize them or whether it makes any difference if I do or not, so they just stay in my head.
I ought to put in a load of laundry before someone else thinks it is a good idea. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
If you are interested: