What did you do in 2010 that you had never done before?
Had a new house! Of my very own! With an awesome housemate even!
Did you keep your new years resolutions? Will you make some next year?
I don't think I made any, I won't this year. I do have kind of an obsession with 'new beginnings' but I'm working on not doing that, but instead just always trying to get better.
Did any close to you die or give birth?
nearlyalegume not close to me but still excitingly.
What places did you visit?
What would you like to have in 2011 that you didn't have in 2010?
More time to myself to follow my own interests.
What was the most memorble event if 2010 and why?
France and my dads wedding because I love my family.
Walking around the streets of Paris with
saikogrrl bc we are awesome.
Worldcon, especially hanging out with
hespa and
Some bad relationship stuff bc it was lame.
Some good relationshiop stuff bc it was awesome.
Being with my little brothers bc i love them.
What is your biggest acheivement this year
I drew a picture!
(No seriously)
Ok, fine, knowing what the right thing for me is even though it's really really hard.
What is your biggest failure?
There is no failure, only really sucky lessons.
Did you suffer illness or injury?
Not that I remember
What was the best thing you brought
New sheets for my bed? Oh! Clothes. I love clothes. And ikea furniture.
Whose behaviour pleasantly surprised you?
And me. And new awesome ppl.
Whose behaviour appalled and depressed you?
And me. (and boy that sucks)
Also I knew friend i made who chose to stop being friends with me, which still really hurts.
Where did most of your money go?
I don't know... I really don't. I'm working on that.
What do you wish you'd done more of?
Fun creative things
What do you wish you'd done less of
Created and participated in dramas. Actually there was one that I created, but didn't participate in but i'm proud of that one.
How did you spend christmas
Working, writing yuletide, hanging out with loki.
Who did you spend the most time on the phone with
Were you in love
What new things have you learnt
That particular people help me like myself.
What tv shows have you enjoyed this year
Hellcats, glee, united states of tara.
(by this year i mean recently)
Do you dislike anyone now that you didn't this time last year?
What books did you enjoy?
what films?
again lots.
What was your greatest musical discovery or redicovery
That i love playing keyboard.
Also linkin park minutes to midnight. yes i'm obsessed. shuddup.
What did you do on your birthday?
Went to australia zoo! *squee*
How would you describe your personal fashion concept for 2010
Having nice enough clothes that putting on the first thing I find often ended up looking great.
What kept you sane
keyboard, loki, antoni.
Whom did you miss?
My grandparents.
Who were the best new people you met?
I've enjoyed making work friends. One in particular is a pretty special part of my life right now.
I also discovered that hespa has fantastic taste in friends, and therefore got to meet a bunch of them at worldcon. Especially
davidcook and
rwrylswin and
dalekboy and awesome convention running rollerderby knitting girl. I am so tired right now.
what new foods have you eaten?
Ok... I'm gonna stop now. PS. Anyone who lives in the eastern suburbs should go join the whitehorse chevaliers fencing club :)