.Doctor Horrible
.Harry Potter
.In Bruges
.The Office
.That 70s Show
.The Dark Knight
Whoa, long time, no post! I guess my first year at college kinda kept me away from graphic making ^_^;. I've been trying to get back into it lately--I've missed it a ton! Anyway, hola anyone who still has me added and I hope to keep up with the posting!
Doctor Horrible [01-06]
Harry Potter [07-12]
In Bruges [13-14]
Stewart / Colbert [15-16]
That 70s Show [17-18]
The Office [19-20]
Skins [21-23]
The Dark Knight [24-27]
Merlin [28-29]
Misc. (Amy Adams, Anton Yelchin, Emily Deschanel, photography, Bruno) [30-34]
Comment . Credit . Please and Thank-you! :)
And, in case anyone's interested, I've recently been getting into photography. I'm no genius, but I have fun with it: