A well deserved week of brilliance.

Aug 03, 2007 00:14

So on Tuesday I realized that even with my tuition, fees, parking, and health insurance, I only had to pay roughly $150 to UNCG, and no, I have no loans. Not that I wasn't excited, but it somehow didn't figure. Well it turns out that besides getting a tuition waiver and two additional grants, my department has paid for my health insurance. Who does that? I was really excited about it because it sure costs too damn much.

THEN, today I went to meet up with the professor for whom I will be conducting research, and I got the key to my office! I was really worried that I was going to be stuck in a space with no windows because the building is just built crazily like that, and the graduate student lab has absolutely no windows. However, since I got to pick from two spaces, my desk, which is brand new mind you, sits right under a huge window. It's so exciting. Then the professor was telling me about his work with various institutions in Eastern Europe, which made things even better. Did I mention that his CV is over 70 pages long? It's insane, but so greatly exciting. A while ago I wasn't as pumped about the program even though I knew many of its perks, but this has just been the icing on the cake, and I'm def. ready for orientation and for my work to begin. Bring it on.
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