May 25, 2004 14:52
guess what!! dude...last night at chris's party, me, joe, and chris showed everyone our song, and my friend eric brown wants to be our drummer...well i mean we asked him and all...and he wasn't so sure because of everything with school and stuff....but then last night he said "chris...i'm your drummer" and thats when the shitting of my pants commenced...i thought everyone would shit in their own pants...but they shit in mine...including me...oh well...WE HAVE A DRUMMER. THATs AWESOME....AND ERIC IS AWESOME...this is going to rock...we are going to start band practice over the summer, because everyone is busy with keeping their school work...and jobs in check...and thats cool...i understand that joinx...cuz i really do if i'm going to get a car...and end of greatness....leave a comment and tell me if you think that is a good band name. I LOVE SARAH SNOW. i'll try giving you a call tonight. peace out.