my first entry

Aug 27, 2005 23:35

why did I create this, you ask? I do not is getting toward the end of the summer and i have too much free time on my hands? perhaps. maybe it is because i wanted an outlet to complain about the smelliness of the frat house? or how i have nightmares about ants attacking me because they too (along with the stinkiness) have overtaken my frat house room? or could it be that i want a place to post the answers to the online quizzes that i take, as if anyone cares which "Simpsons" character I am? is it a place where i try to convince people of how clever and funny i am? well i would like to think so, mwahahaha since i am planning never to write a serious word in this thing, that is where the danger comes in, mwhahaha, so really what is the point of this thing? I still dont know, this journal has no purpose other than my own amusement, and possibly (but i make no guarantees) yours, but please stop me if i become one of those people who, when people ask, "whats new?" i stick up my nose and grunt, "why dont you read my journal, then maybe you would know what was going on in my life!" or if i become one of those people who is types in my journal..."I can't believe what a certain person said that to me. She is so full of it. And she is one to talk she is so annoying and boring and stupid. i hate her." and then she replies with some hateful message and then we stop talking and i tell her to get over it because, what said on my livejournal stays on my livejournal, i mean that is what its for, right?? an outlet?? so i can say whatever without consequences?? people! just because its online doesnt make it any less real, they might just feel something as if you had said it to them....come on! so, if i become that crazy, please just stop me :)
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