Apr 04, 2010 01:37
It has been a long time since I last posted. much has happened. I got into medical school and I'm alost done with my first year. I just got back from El Salvador. what a trip! a rejuvenation of my spirit that drive me to become a doctor, that reasssures me that I am capable of healing the sick and aiding the needy. I read over many of my past journal entries. 24years old and I still don't know what to do about my parents. Medical school is everything I wanted it to be and more. My life is filled with people that love and respect me. I couldn't imagine doing anything else. There are so many parts of my past that i just absolutely hate and I recognize that they all play an incredible role in what made me today, but still why do I have to talk about them. anyway, today my mother asked me if I was still happy living my lifestyle, I told her yes. I dont know why it hurt as much as it did. until the next time. goodnight