Jul 11, 2005 08:16
4am and still no sleep.
Sitting in the same spot.
Clutching the same pillow.
My arms are crampped from wipping the tears falling from my eyes.
My cd palyer singing all the songs that reminde me of past nights much like this.
Practiclly wishing death apon myslef.
I dred the razor along my wrist,
but yearn for the pearcing feeling along my skin.
Picturing the beautiful picture my blood would paint.
But as more thoughts of you come pouring in with all the memories,
I began to loose myself again.
Giving up everything to be in arms.
Knowing that my friendship is only another thorn on your bloody rose.
"This goes out to the one who i single handily borke your heart, The one who always got the rain but deserves the shine."