Feb 19, 2006 06:50
hey hey. i'm off to New Hampshire soon for winter break. yay! i'll experience a real winter there. i need chapstick first.
so...i never update this thing......
yeah packing. i think packing is the best part. i always save it for last minute though, and not even on purpose. but, i ALWAYS forget something. like when we went to tuscany, i forgot my swinsuit. of all things! and when we went to mexico, i forgot my glasses. so once i took out my contacts, i couldn't see anything.
but yay! new hampshire. we're going to see my step-grandparents and more of my step-relatives. AND i get to visit Dartmouth College. y a y ! that's one of my college choices. so i'm excited.
alot of people think i'm crazy for going somewhere cold, since i'm already always cold in the first place, i don't like snowball fights, and i don't ski or snowboard. not that i wouldn't like snowboarding, i've just never been. and alot of people think that's crazy, since i live near such amazing passes like snoqualmie and whistler.
but yeah. so. NH is way pretty. in fall the leaves are not just gold and orange and brown and red, they're GOLD and orange and brown and red. amazing. and in winter it is snowy. snow snow snow. and spring, my stepmom says, it's nice and sunny, but not too hot. but right after winter there's a "mud season" where the snow and ice melts so everything gets muddy. but summer it's hot and if you're lucky not humid.
that was more for my benefit, but now you know the average seasons of NH. yay!
k, i'm going to go eat breakfast now. byes!!!!!