Photos from Frosh Week. Behold my super floor. Explanatory Notes Attached.
Med-Syd at opening ceremonies. No clue who that dude is.
A significant portion of my floormates are science students. Top Row: AJ, Tomas, Paul, Max, Simon, Eric and Tiffany. Bottom Row: Julie, Emmanuela, Stacy, and our soph Twix (Tracy)
Max and Tomas, on the same day. Some of you straight(ish) girls might find the one on the right cute.
All of us, except for our soph Del Monte (Matt). Top Row: AJ, Sergei (aka Hollywood), Max (aka Maax), Tomas, Eric, Antonio, and John. Middle Row: Julie (aka Elvis), Stacey (aka Meatloaf), Vanessa, Emanuela, Me (aka The X, and no-one seems to know why), Steph, and our RA Justin. Bottom Row: Twix. Tiffany (aka Mooch), Jamilla, Fahrin, Amy, Laura and our upper-years are nowhere to be seen.
Max, Sergei, and Aj's triple birthday - biggest dude holding ittiest girl.
Our RA showing Max how much he cares.
The bunch at the triple birthday party. Top Row: Random Guy Who Walked In #1, Tomas, Paul, Paul's girlfriend Eleanor, Random Guy #2. Middle Row: Me, Steph, Justin, Michelle, Emanuela, Max, AJ. Bottom Row: Chelsea, Jamilla, Vanessa, Julie, Tiffany. This, I think, is *almost* all of our first years, plus Chelsea and Justin.
Phew. I'll load pictures of Josh, Kevin, Laura et al once I take some.