This is what happens when you watch too much Law & Order: Criminal Intent and Angel and then start having late-night conversations with questionable friends. It wasn't really enough for a whole story, just a little scene.
"Bobby!" Eames hissed, grabbing Mr. Hyper by the arm and dragging him to the corner away from the suspect. "Look at the mirror!"
"I'm in the middle of--"
"You're supposed to be so great at observation and you haven't noticed?"
"Noticed what?" He had that patronizing "you can't possibly see something I don't" tone of voice again.
"Your suspect doesn't have a reflection!"
"That's impossible. See--"
Goren turned to the mirror, looked at it, looked at the suspect, then did a double-take so classic Eames wished she had a videocamera to record it for posterity. Also, it would win her the $500 pool on whether or not he could be surprised.