Nov 14, 2014 14:34

There's going to be some overlap here. Apologies to those who have already had to put up with this once.

So here we are. 200 episodes. Surely a landmark.

And what did we get?

The same thing we’ve been getting since “The Monster At the End of This Book” back in season 4.

To sum up: “Look at the silly things our fans do! Let’s put it in an episode and ridicule it! They’re too stupid to know what we’re doing anyway!”

I hope you had a good long laugh. I mean, I saw part of the video from the 200th episode party. You're all clearly very proud of your little accomplishment. You even call it a "love letter."

There was nothing of love in this. This was 45 minutes of sheer ridicule, but hey, if we say that we're just kidding around, that makes it all better. No playground bully ever used that tactic. And just to make sure, we'll make it so Sam and Dean are touched by it at the end. If they like it, everything's okay. Oh, and let’s bring back Kripke’s self-insert, the fans will love that. After all, they never realized that the entire reason for Chuck, up to and including his monologue in “Swan Song,” was so Kripke could tell them off for all the stupid things they wanted to see in the show. Fans are idiots, after all.

No, I’ll head you off at the pass. I’m not the audience you were aiming it at. This was for “real fans.” As the column I read yesterday put it, any "major fan" of the show "had" to enjoy it.

True, I’ve not been watching since the beginning. Only since “Bloody Mary” or so. I don’t own DVDs and-- Well, damn, where did that stack of box sets come from? The cats must have dragged them in. Probably did the same with those T-shirts. All those posts on my Facebook wall and favorites on Tumblr? Must have been hacked. The long, in-depth discussions of character and motivation and possibility that rivaled anything this little English major ever wrote at college? Eh, probably just a dream.

Oh, wait. It's because I don't do conventions, right? Damn pesky social phobia and strained finances. A real fan would overcome paralyzing terror and the need to pay the mortgage.

Hm. Maybe it's because I don't write fanfic? Wait, never mind. Is it because I write mostly gen? That must be it. Real fans write slash.

I guess I'm just really a dilettante at heart, huh?

I’ve been watching this show since a friend of mine--who actually did start watching at the beginning--beat me over the head and told me I had to. I’ve been fairly well addicted to it since “Something Wicked.” I’ve written fanfic--which I’d never, ever done before, no matter how much I loved a show--to the point where it took over my entire writing output. I paid to download the eps when my CW went out so that I wouldn’t have to wait an extra two days for the CW site to get its ass in gear. I had no problems watching the show at work, I just didn't want to wait. I stayed with this show through a three-year depressive episode (now with bonus psych hospitalization!) that left me wondering what my own name was half the time. There’s an argument to be made that this show is part of the reason I’m still here, if only out of curiosity to see how the boys were going to get out of their current predicament.

Oh, there's this other thing I have: a firmly-held conviction that any endeavor that relies on fans support should as a matter of course treat those fans with respect. This is patently not an attitude anybody at Supernatural agrees with, considering the way you continue to portray us as complete and total morons.

But that’s okay, I guess.

It’s not like I was ever a real fan or anything.


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