Category: Supernatural Title: Road Song Genre: General Summary: AU. The Impala ponders their situation. Spoilers for season 2 through the finale. Same universe as Lady in Black and Queen of the Road.
Ok, I haven't read that, but I'm excited to - I'm almost done watching the first season, and plan on reading your stuff after I get through the second!
Ok, you asked for comments, so you'll get them ;) as a disclaimer - I know very little about fan fiction, and my views are my own. You won't hurt me if you disagree with me ;)
I could really really see this bit being developed into an episode. It would be one of those fun episodes directed by the guest director or something. I think it would be great if the car showed small moments of sentient behavior, but always to the point where the guys don't really register it... Keys get locked in the car, but the doors unlock before they realize it. They're driving down a highway, a sign shows next gas is 50 miles, the impala is low enough on fuel that it won't make it, but Dean doesn't check the gauge because he and Sam are arguing, so the impala shudders a bit to catch his attention. Finally, something near the end of the episode catches their attention, where they are curious enough to wonder if the impala actually could have a mind of it's own, but ironically they consider that "crazy talk".
Poor Sammy :(. The Impala is pretty cruel to him. She says that she loves him to in a different way than Dean but then says that she's only really worried about his well being because of how it would affect Dean. I get that she cares about Dean more and that Sam has made lots of mistakes before with her but clearly he cares about her as well seeing as she was his home for almost twenty years before Stanford. Grudges are one thing but it seems like the Impala kind of hates him more than she just holds a grudge against him. Ugh, I'm reading way too deeply into this, lol. Anyways, I really enjoyed the story and look forward to reading more :). Hopefully the Impala's distaste towards Sammy lessens in future fics. :P
Comments 7
I could really really see this bit being developed into an episode. It would be one of those fun episodes directed by the guest director or something. I think it would be great if the car showed small moments of sentient behavior, but always to the point where the guys don't really register it... Keys get locked in the car, but the doors unlock before they realize it. They're driving down a highway, a sign shows next gas is 50 miles, the impala is low enough on fuel that it won't make it, but Dean doesn't check the gauge because he and Sam are arguing, so the impala shudders a bit to catch his attention. Finally, something near the end of the episode catches their attention, where they are curious enough to wonder if the impala actually could have a mind of it's own, but ironically they consider that "crazy talk".
Well done :)
And I would love to see that episode.
And, wow. Nice and creepy implications there, at the end of the year...
Thanks for reading!
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