Aug 11, 2006 16:15
i keep having this dream that im in downtown jamestown, and theres like one of the wooden desks from highschool on top of a building. this desk has been nailed to the building for stability, and i and several children (8-12 yrs old) are building a bridge from this desk to the next building. the first time i had the dream, the bridge was complete, and you could walk from one side to the other. i had the dream again last night, and it wasnt complete, there were children of various ethnicities working on it by attaching random boards, other desks, masking tape, pipes, etc. to it. im not sure of the means of attachment, for i saw no actual work done to it. it was freeform, not much logic to it. i rememeber feeling dizzy as i looked down to the ground, and i remember the number "forty feet" from where i was to the ground.