Nov 19, 2005 21:34
ahhh! i'm being forced to update! -_- curse you master!!
eheheheh ^^;; that was a joke, i swear :þ
well, for the most part, this has been kind of a crappy week, but most of you already know that, so i don't need to get into it. but i'm feeling like 80% better now, so it's not so bad now...i'm just happy i made it through the week ^^;
ahhh, i must clean my room ;___; this will take me so long, but i have to do it because my grandmother will be here! so this means being up until 4 singing along to music until i lose my voice or die of exhaustion. whatever comes first i guess XDD
argh, i feel so tired already - 誠一 you made this worse by being all tired on the phone! ahhh!! it's ok - かわいい ですよ when you're all sleepy XDD BUT NOW I MUST WAKE UP!! *splashes water on face* -__- now i'm just wet and tired.
ZOMFG IT'S SOO COLD OUTSIDE!! winter did not have to come so soon -_- now i must get mittens or something...oh, and at my school, i saw geese in the water...what are they still doing here?? they were coming to the shore though, so maybe the water was cold? fools -_-
so to conlcude my entry, i'll leave off with this interesting fact:
誠一 this is the story you were like O_o to, but i have the answer now!
OK, so, when my mother was pregnant with me, and was about to give birth to me, there was a problem. Her labor was short (only one hour) and it didn't take long for me to come out, but the problem was, I pooped.
XDDD BUT, as i found out, it wasn't in fact solid poop, because how could it possibly be? (thank you professor かたやま!) but when you are in your mothers stomach, you are in water, right? because the water has to break...well, my poop wasn't solid, it was liquid...and i did almost choke on it...but in the liquid way.
-__- that's really gross to think about, so i hope you all enjoyed that!