So I'm not that big on merchandise from websites like here on LJ or Gaia and such. But I found something from Gaia that I just have to have for the novelty of it. It's the
ORLY? hat. I get my credit card in 3-5 days (there was an address mix up) and I have a feeling that this is going to be my first purchase. Too bad it's not baby-sized. I'd love to see Lucia in it. ;__;
I have way too much free time on my hands while on bed rest. I've picked up going to sites that I never have in the past or thought I would ever go to again. I'll leave it at that. The websites are too faggy to post atm.
I have court on the 21st. I have a feeling I'm going to proved not guilty seeing as how the prosocuting attourney didn't want to bother with the case after he saw what the -ONE- officer that's pushing on pressing charges did to me. Even the judge didn't know why he wanted to go through with it when hr saw it. But since it's a police officer that wants to press charges he can't throw it out of court without pissing off the state. I get along with him well despite having to see him three previous times on tickets and he said he'd toss it out of court, but he rather enjoys his job and income.
And I have surgery on the 18th of next month for my teeth that have been bothering me for the longest time. He's definitely going to at least put the new filling in my one tooth, and if he has the time while I'm under he's going to pull the other. He said that the rest of my problems were due to drinking so much soda growing up. And the doctor that works with him that I saw when I was about 10 said that I was going to have to have work done on all my teeth if I didn't stop drinking so much soda.... he was right. So now I've taken up what my step-mom does for the same reason (her teeth were so bad from soda and alcohol that she has partials because she had to get so many pulled) and now I drink everything through a straw. Hopefully that'll give me a few more years with my teeth.