L'Arc~en~Ciel Tour 2008 L'7 Trans Asia via Paris
***WARNING: heavy fangirling. seriously.***
i am back from the laruku live.
i am still in a daze.
Hyde screaming "ARE YOU FUCKING READY??!?!?!!?" totally... blew my mind. i just... god, i still can't believe i have seen him in front of my eyes.
even though i sat in Arena Block A... the two guys in front of me and feifa were so damn tall we were sooo blocked... that really sucked cuz i could barely see the stage with all the waving arms etc... but anyways, overall, it was a great live.
i'm going type a rambly report... cuz i'm still in a sort of incoherent state right now. god. it went by SO FAST, so fast... i miss Hyde already, i want to see him in front of my eyes again, right now.. god he's so beautiful i can just die happy looking at him.
anyways, went to expo in the afternoon to queue up for concert goods but we were all the way at the end of the line and we gave up after an hour... they were selling cd's and dvd's though, so i got the KISS album which came with a gorgeous file + poster, as well as the ARE YOU READY 2007 Okinawa live dvd.
and i couldn't take any pictures, cuz they were pretty strict about cameras and video recorders, we had our bags checked n i had to deposit my camera at the concierge before entering the arena...
the live started at 8pm++
our seats were not bad, closer to the stage then we thought (well, we queued overnight, fucking 18 hours in the wind and rain without sleep for the tix... 2nd in line, but we still got Row S) but feifa and i were just soo unhappy when there happened to be like 5 GUYS in front of us... 5 TALL GUYS... wtf... just our luck.
the good thing is, Hyde kept coming over to our side (tetsu's side) and omgggg the 2nd floor audience who were near the stage were SOOOO LUCCKKYYYY!!!!! SOOOO CLOSE TO HYDE OMFFGGGG AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
ok. i can't really remember what happened at every song, my brain is completely fried.
their outfits:
Hyde - gorgeous white shirt with all these raw egdes and flowing ribbony strips... he had a jacket outside of it at first but took it off after the interval... and he unbuttoned it too, he had a white tank top inside *_* and erm grey-ish jeans , i think. long, flowing hair... sooo happy he didn't do anything funny to his hair tonight
Tetsu - white shirt with a black vest/skirt thing, basically the vest has no back and there's a pleated black skirt joined to it. and underneath he wears HOT PINK PANTS. oh my god. oshare to the max!!! CHO OSHARE!!!! only he can pull it off. i love his fashion sense. and his hair is sooo gorgeous, i have no idea how he pinned it like that.
Ken - as expected, a flowery shirt with the top 3 buttons undone. ahaha.
Yuki - ok he looked like he came from home. LMAO. t-shirt, zip-up vest, and jeans i think. very casual.
now here's the setlist:
01. get out from the shell -asian version- <--laruku's silhouettes appeared behind the screen... started screaming like mad lol
02. Driver's high
03. Killing me <-- i was REALLY really hyper... jumped like crazy my feet are totally dead...
he kept looking down (prob at his hand or a paper) and kept mumbling to himself before speaking XDD KAWAIIIIIIIIIIII OMGGGGGGGGG I HAVEN'T FANGIRLED IN SO LONG JESUS CHRIST...
"nei dey dung jor ho loi ma?"
...........ahhahahah yes it's been a long wait baby
05. Daybreak's Bell
06. winterfall
07. 永遠
08. 花葬 <-- OH.MY.GOD. hearing this live... *heart stoppage* i nearly started to cry, geez. too beautiful. hyde is just beautiful.
09. forbidden lover <-- i know i'll be killed for writing this, but this is the first time i've heard this song. well, i mean, i've prob watched it on one of the dvd's, but i don't even have the mp3.
when Hyde started singing this song, i had no idea what it was, but i fell in love love love with it, probably one of the most impressive performances the entire live. i was so drawn in to his voice.
10. My heart draws a dream <--fun fun fun song
11. Caress of Venus <-- HYDExTETSU AT OUR SIDE!!!! OMGGGG the two of them bounced over to our side of the stage, i could finally see both their faces clearly, and OMFG HYDE PUT HIS ARM AROUND TETSU... feifa and i were FUCKING SCREAMING OUR HEADS OFF, WE TOTALLY DITCHED OUR SEATS AND JUMPED OUT TO THE CORRIDOR... OMFFGGGGGG THE ONLY FANSERVICE THAT NIGHT & IT WAS IN FRONT OF OUR EYES *________*
and omg, i am totally in love with this song now, hahahaha soooo hotttttttttt the way Hyde sang it.... gaaahhh
12. Revelation <--hyperness
13. Pretty girl
OMG THIS WAS SOOOO AWESOME... at first Hyde switched to rhythm guitar, ken still on lead guitar, tetsu with bass but singing the first stanza and yuki at drums.
i was thinking, omg, P'UNK~EN~CIEL version of STAY AWAY??
after tetsu on vocals, it switched to Ken on vocals!! omg, he can actually sing pretty well... hahahaha and then................
15. Ready Steady Go <-- omg, I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. hearing this live is just... amazing... and totally energetic and hyper... and hyde started off screaming "ARE YOU FUCKING READY!!?!?!" omg, to be honest, i started getting even more high at his vulgarities........ ahahahha i'm so weird, god, but hyde is HOT, he is hot whenever he speaks, sings, walks, jiggles... 8D yes, he jiggles. and wiggles. alot. oh yeahh <3
yes hyde, i'm so fucking ready, ready for you anytime baby. oh god. *faints*
Ken M.C.
his canto sucks, ahhahahaaa!!! didn't understand half the stuff he tried to say XDD
17. 叙情詩 <-- THEY PLAYED JOJOUSHI!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMGGGGG THEY ONLY PLAYED THIS AT SEOUL... at taiwan and paris they sang Neo Universe instead......... OMG SOOOOOO HAPPY I WAS HOPING FOR JOJOUSHI.....
Hyde. i just... i am so utterly speechless at his voice, it resonated not only within the stadium but in my heart, it's so breathtaking and... goddd i can't even think right now
Yuki M.C.
19. Link (tetsu M.C. included)
hyde M.C.
20.あなた <-- I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S OVER SOOO FASST...... I FELT LIKE CRYING AGAIN..... but then Hyde smiles, and i just melt, and i have to smile too... it's just.. arrghghghhh
and then it's over, just like that.
madness. surreal.
i still can't believe i have seen and heard them. the voices were real. the sounds were real. but half the time i could barely see them on the stage cuz we were so blocked by those arms... had to keep glancing at the big screen... in which hyde looked SO BEAUTIFUL, SO BEAUTIFUL I WANT TO CRY JUST LOOKING AT HIM...
i mean, i sound like i am totally way over my head.
but L'Arc is one of japan's top rock bands. they are a legend. their next live will be in 2011, their 20th anniversary... (they'll be taking a 3 year hiatus after this tour to focus on solo work & families).
and Hyde himself. he is a legend. one of the most... i don't even know the right word... he is just... one of THE jrockers, one of THE singers of japan you can't not know, love him or not.
sometimes i really don't think he's from this world, there's an ethereal quality about him, some mystic aura and otherworldly charm, which makes him so gorgeous, so androgynous, so beautiful...
i still haven't accepted the fact that i've seen him live.
my god.
how is it possible i have seen this man??!??!?!
i need to go to bed x__x