This right here is why Haruki Murakami is my favorite writer. Damn. This is the speech he just gave for the Catalunya award he was given in Spain, and DAMN.
村上春樹さん:カタルーニャ国際賞スピーチ原稿全文(上)村上春樹さん:カタルーニャ国際賞スピーチ原稿全文(下) そして原爆投下から66年が経過した今、福島第一発電所は、三カ月にわたって放射能をまき散らし、周辺の土壌や海や空気を汚染し続けています。それをいつどのようにして止められるのか、まだ誰にもわかっていません。これは我々日本人が歴史上体験する、二度目の大きな核の被害ですが、今回は誰かに爆弾を落とされたわけではありません。我々日本人自身がそのお膳立てをし、自らの手で過ちを犯し、我々自身の国土を損ない、我々自身の生活を破壊しているのです。
And now, 66 years after the nuclear bombs fell, radiation has been spreading for three months from the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant, continuing to pollute the surrounding soil, sea, and skies. No one knows how long it will take to stop it. This is the second time in our history that we Japanese have been hit with nuclear damage. But this time, it wasn't because someone bombed us. We set this up ourselves; made this mistake with our own hands, damaged our own soil, and destroyed our own lives.
How could such a thing have happened? Where did those anti-nuclear feelings we had held for so long disappear to? What could have damaged and warped the peaceful and prosperous society we had so consistently longed for?
The answer is simple. "Efficiency."
(and apologies for the crap translation, 2 am and doing it on the fly, and all that)