Title: Getting the Knack of It
Prompt: Hojo as a child and what brought him into the halls of science.
Word Count: 182
Summary: Practice makes perfect.
"He's such a smart and curious boy!"
It was the one refrain he heard the most, as a child. At it was definitely true--he was very curious.
And very, very smart.
He had always wondered how things worked. His mother used to tell stories, laughingly, about how even as a four or five year old, he'd always tried to take things apart and then put them back together again in different ways.
First it had been his toy trains, then the clock in the foyer. At first, it was a disaster, and he'd been spanked more than once for 'breaking' things, before he got the knack of it. But once he got the knack of it, well, after he had that, he always had varying degrees of success with everything mechanical, and soon could take apart and rebuild, better than before, nearly everything in his room.
It was a pity, alas, that his success didn't carry across when he tried to do the same thing to the cat, and he swore that next time, he would get the knack of it.