( ゚Д゚)<!!

Mar 01, 2015 16:47

i feel weird posting a personal-type of entry but it's just my emotions are superior and my heart is melting and yeah.
so if you don't know, hey say jump was my pioneer asian boy group (that sounds so weird to say) but basically they were the first to make me "kyaa" and such. and if you knew me on my old account (10fan_ryuu_hsj) then you would also know that i was a die hard ryutaro fan like literally, i look back on it sometimes and its just omg, i was like ten when i got into hsj so i was ten when i fell for ryutaro, now at age fifteen i'm kind of stunned that my younger self was capable of holding one person so high above the others.

anywhoooo, after the incident in 2011 that resulted in ryutaro becoming a former member, i and possibly many others became upset. there was a lot of tears and heartache, i look back on it and i'm still stunned to be honest. i wrote about him 4 months after his suspension here and it gave me closure and then i found kpop and yeah, overtime i became happy again! balhblahblahbla okay enough about my feelings because basically the whole gyst of this post is to say that ryutaro is back-ish?

ryutaro's been on twitter since fall of last year and he's doing great. he's attending college in hawaii and blogs about his adventures daily, not to mention that he has a new dog, coco (whom is just as cute as he is) lots of facial hair, and an interest in the korean hip hop scene. his first blog entry is something everyone should look at, he makes note of his fans. :-)

translations of his social media updates are regulated here.

i guess what i'm trying to say is that i'm extremely relieved that he's doing good, to actually see him smiling and stuff. it makes me more than happy and just ahhhh i'm having really good vibes right now! i can do anything! so i'm going to do homework orz


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