Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans, and Happy Thursday to the rest of you lot. ♥ Mine was uneventful; we stayed home this year because Mom's side of the family has a surgery going on (cousin's baby has some birth defect, idr) and my grandmother's husband on Dad's side is dying.* My older sister brought her baby over, but I basically avoided them, since the baby doesn't like me and I don't like my sister. Luckily, Tara's boyfriend was not invited, or things would have been a hell of a lot more eventful, as it were, and not in the good way.
*Before anyone apologises or sends their condolences, I am nothing more than apathetic and sympathetic about this turn of events - as some of you may know, I hate the man. I only feel badly for my grandmother.
Waja Madness... ?
Wajas is anticipated to be down until Monday, which is sort of a shame. I was looking forward to the new site launch, but like I expected, the flood of traffic broke the servers when it opened last night. The coders are from an American company, so they're on vacation until Monday, and the users are in conniptions. I laugh.
Original Fiction
It's been years since I've written anything not based on an existing fandom. In fact, the last original piece I remember writing was a 40K+ word story called Synchronize With Me - at the time, a masterpiece; presently, an embarrassment. No, you can't see it. There are very, very few people who might get that privilege. >>;
Lately, though, there's been a darling little thing in my head that doesn't seem to belong anywhere. His name is Daniel Schultz, but you can call him 'Danny.' Grew up in Brooklyn, NY; lives in Queens. His old man's a fireman, so Danny tries to stay out of any real trouble, but he's a Brooklyn kid, and he runs with a rough crowd. Mostly, though, he's just a punk.
He comes with a whole crew, setting and some backstory, too... there's A Girl, The Rival (his best friend!), The Villain... who knows where this'll go?
Kink Meme's still eating my brain, and so are the muses. Bratworth seems to want a Feenie, preferably of the ~*~feminine persuasion~*~ - how do all my Edgeworths wind up so... not gay? (I won't say they're straight, because not one among the two-and-two-halves* of them is, but none of them are totally gay, either.)
*There's Bratworth, post-GS4!Edgeworth (+glasses), GS3!Edgelet (not properly formed) and girl!Edgelet (also not properly formed). The latter is the closest to straight, but she, like her male counterparts, has an odd affinity for Lana Skye and a ~*~burning rivalry~*~ with Mia Fey. ... Idk.
Twilight (Yes, You Heard Me.)
I have
the .pdf files for all four books. ... I'm still debating, but I figure, hey - if I don't like the books, they'll be good for the lulz, and at least I'll know what everyone's talking about, right? Now if I could just find the time....