First order of business: a very happy birthday to dear Whit. ♥ Make it a good one~
Yesterday was supposed to be a Getting Things Done day; I had tags to write and all day to do it (in theory), with muses to profile in between. When I woke up, I knocked out three tags, no problem. Then it started.
Some guys came by and asked if they could cut down a few of our trees (an old dead tree in our front yard that posed quite a hazard, and a less dead spruce off of our back porch that was beginning to look dangerous, too). Then there were chainsaws, and Dad and I helped them. They took down the spruce in the back first, and left after that to get a cable, so they could take care of the dead tree in front. While they were gone, Dad and I started hauling branches and sections of tree to the burn pile in the back. (I got covered in sap, of course, and this was not very long after I'd taken a shower.) The men came back, and we helped them with the tree in front, which was an Epic Event. I brought them all beers and went back inside for another shower.
When I got out, I had to install the new washing machine, which was fairly easy, but mildly time-consuming. Mostly, though, it was just irritating, because at this point, I was still hoping I could come back soon and sit down to write some tags and shoot the breeze.
By the time I finished, Mom was nagging at me to install the room unit air conditioner they bought me (the highlight of yesterday, by the by). Some few hours, one power drill battery and a lot of frustration later, it's operational, but I can't keep the spacers on the side open, so there's some maneuvering with cardboard, then some pins for the curtain. Yay air conditioning.
So, finally, I get to actually sit down and relax, maybe write some tags. But by this point, my face was sunburned, my allergies were kicking in badly, and everyone and everything was essentially pissing me off. I was in no mood to tag, and my brain felt like it was in pieces. I clung to the internet for a while before stomping off to nap, which also sucked, because my allergies make it practically impossible to sleep. I was in a slightly better mood after that, but still not up to tagging.
To top it all off, my allergies are still lurking (all congested head and runny nose and infernal fucking sneezing, mostly), and I found a tick on my left hip this morning. jdfkspagk;jfj. I need another shower.