See this girl in my icon? I love her. So so so so much.
Chitose Miyuki has a four-chapter arc in the manga, and appears a handful of times throughout the Shitenhouji arc later, but just from those few glimpses of her, we can glean a world of bursting personality, and that fact in and of itself says a lot about her.
She's outgoing, friendly, enthusiastic and unabashed, as ten-year-olds often are. She projects herself quite a lot, and is very confident in social interactions, but doesn't hold up well under pressure. She's also rash and quick to make decisions, even if they are stupid ones, and stands firmly by her morals and beliefs, sticking to her guns even when the chips are down.
Of course, all of this is Miyuki at age ten, and people change quite a lot from age ten as they grow up. Despite that, some basic components stay the same. For Miyuki, I imagine this means that, at least well into highschool, she remains friendly and outward-reaching, confident to the point of arrogance, and hasty to the point of eating her words quite often. As she grows, she'll learn to think first, on occasion, and hesitate sometimes. She'll learn, because that's what people do as they grow up.
Let's humour me for a minute and talk about MBTI personality types. I would place Miyuki as an ENFP (Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving) for a lot of reasons.
★ seen as "outgoing" or as a "people person"
★ comfortable in groups and likes working in them
★ has a wide range of friends and knows lots of people
★ jumps too quickly into things and doesn't allow enough time to think it over
★ remembers events by what was read "between the lines" about their meaning
★ solves problems by leaping between different ideas and possibilities
★ interested in doing things that are new and different
★ likes to see the big picture, then to find out the facts
★ has an orientation with people or communications
★ looks for what is important to others and expresses concern for others
★ makes decisions with their heart and wants to be compassionate
★ likes to stay open to respond to whatever happens
★ appears to be loose and casual; likes to keep plans to a minimum
★ likes to approach work as play or mix work and play
★ works in bursts of energy
★ stimulated by approaching deadlines
"Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. See life as full of possibilities. Make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. Want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support. Spontaneous and flexible, often rely on their ability to improvise and their verbal fluency."
"ENFPs are initiators of change who are keenly perceptive of possibilities, and who energize and stimulate through their contagious enthusiasm. They prefer the start-up phase of a project or relationship, and are tireless in the pursuit of new-found interests. ENFPs are able to anticipate the needs of others and to offer them needed help and appreciation. They bring zest, joy, liveliness, and fun to all aspects of their lives. They are at their best in situations that are fluid and changing, and that allow them to express their creativity and use their charisma. They tend to idealize people, and can be disappointed when reality fails to fulfill their expectations. They are easily frustrated if a project requires a great deal of follow up or attention to detail."
All of the above are quite applicable.
I planned to go on to astrology (she's a Lion, but maybe just a cub ♥), but it's 6:17 am, and I still have to update her journal before I go to bed. I know, I know, you're all so disappointed that you have to miss out on my astrobabble. Maybe another time.
Blame Ai. ☆
[edit] and just for the record, she synchs so strongly. I think I want to find Shiraishi and cry on him. ;;
I'm going to have to loop 'Hang in There' for years to catch it up after tonight.