Tensai leaves, everyone dies.

May 14, 2007 22:06

01. Long story short: my ISP wants me to commit suicide. No, my connection isn't stable; it's around once every two days or so, for half an hour or less at a time, at its own leisure. There's supposed to be a technician showing up between 1 and 3 pm tomorrow. Hopefully, things will clear up.

02. I hear certain people haven't been around. :| There will be laps upon my return if this behavior continues.

03. Caught up with Heroes; it owns my soul. ♥

04. Jocey and Missa: if you haven't grabbed journals for Mizuki and Jackal for DP, do so, please? The contact info post is f'locked, so Julie will have to add the IC journals in order for you to see it. Since I made the post, Rachel has permission to give Julie my password to edit it. ♥

05. Shut up, Julie, I saw it, and djksfljdk;afaga, I'm thinking about it. ♥;;

06. If I play one more game of Spider Solitaire, I am GOING. TO COMMIT. GENOCIIIIIIIIDE.

afkdl;jagklasdjgkl;ajfkdl;ajsk;as, suddenlink hates me, mah_pokemans, dear_princes, heroes, twenty laps for all of you, spider solitaire

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