Another Pigmy Q & A! :D
怜 :俺が存在!!
圭 :俺の存在
晃 :オレとタルト
万作 :両親とメンバー
怜 :ホスト
圭 :ある訳無い
晃 :プロレスラー
万作 :無いです
怜 :添い寝
圭 :音楽
晃 : あれ
万作 :baroqueのBass
怜 :Al
圭 :es、トレインスポッティング
晃 : 最近観てないから分からない
万作 :ピアノレッスン、ベティーブルーect
怜 :おっぱいorちんx2
圭 :ふぐ
晃 :回らない寿司
万作 :うに
怜 :おめめ
圭 :毒と悪
晃 : 口
万作 :腕
怜 :色んな子と出会った事
圭 :毎日ドキドキさ
晃 : 怜のMC
万作 :ノーコメント
怜 :おっきくなりたい。目立ちたい。
圭 :ミュージシャン、サッカー選手
晃 : ダースベーダ
万作 :ノーコメント
怜 :ん~「おいひぃの」、「こいひぃの」
圭 :俺の音(ノイズです)
晃 : 激甘玉子焼き
万作 :ノーコメント
怜 :俺樣
圭 :十一(といち)。
晃 : 元気があればなんでも出来る
万作 :確実
怜 :D.V
圭 :同級生が引っ越した
晃 : 悪いと思わない
万作 :ノーコメント
怜 :黒or悪
圭 :怜圭晃万
晃 : 怜・猛 ナル・酒 圭・悪 万ちゃん・性 ゆう君・黒
万作 :Voー我 圭ー黒 晃ー性 万ー灰 祐ー遠
怜 :金x3(笑)
圭 :しない
晃 :しない
万作 :幸せを下さい。休みを下さい。
怜 :自由人
圭 :おまえの物は俺の物 俺の物も俺のモノ
晃 : 1日2回まで
万作 :大人な男
Q1. Is there something you're proud of or want to boast about?
Ryo : I exist!!
Kei : My exsitance
Akira : Myself and my tarts
Bansaku : My parents and the other members.
Q2. If you could have any other job (besides one in music) what would it be?
Ryo : A host.
Kei : If it's not music, there's no reason.
Akira : A Pro Wrestler.
Bansaku : There's nothing else I want do.
Q3. What is that you do that you are the best in the world at?
Ryo : Sleeping with people.
Kei : Music
Akira : That
Bansaku : Being baroque's bassist.
Q4. What movie do you recomend?
Ryo : A.I.
Kei : es and trainspotting
Akira : I havent seen any recently so I don't know
Bansaku : Piano lesson, Betty blue, ect
Q5. What kind of food would you compare yourself too? (Hopefully it's something we can eat)
Ryo : Milk or Chinchin [it's some kind of chinese food.. you perverts. `_`;]
Kei : a blowfish
Akira : Mawaranai Sushi [Not sure what kinda sushi this is I'm thinking the lil square shaped ones~]
Bansaku : Sea Urchin
Q6. What's your most charming feature?
Ryo : My eyes [And he's saying this in baby talk xD~!! so you could say he's saying something like "My wittle eyes"]
Kei : I'm Evil and poisonous
Akira : My mouth
Bansaku : My arms
Q7.Is there anything that's made your heart race recently?
Ryou : That would be when I came across a bunch of kids.
Kei : My heart races everyday
Akira : Ryo's rapping
Bansaku : No comment
Q8. What was your childhood dream?
Ryo: I wanted to show off so I wanted to make it big.
Kei: I wanted to be a musician and a soccer player.
Akira : I wanted to be Darth Vader
Bansaku : no comment
*Q9. Which of your mothers tastes have become Your tastes?
Ryo : [could not translate this~ sorry m(_ _)m]
Kei : My sound (noise)
Akira : Sweet omelettes.
Bansaku : No comment
Q10. Whats your favorite word/phrase?
Ryo : ME [oresama]
Kei : Eleven (toichi)
Akira : If you've got the drive you can do anything!
Bansaku : certainty
Q11. Name something bad from the past.
Ryo : D.V. (I think he's talking about Digital video cassetes but I could be wrong here... very much so)
Kei : When a classmate moved away.
Akira : I don't think anything was really bad in the past
Bansaku : No comment
Q12. Describe the members, including yourself useing a single Kanji.
Ryo : Everyone's Dark or Evil
Kei : Ryo Kei Akira Ban
Akira : Ryo - Energetic, Naru - Booze, Kei - Evil, Banchan - Sex, Yuukun - Dark
Bansaku : Vocals - Egotistical, Kei - Dark, Akira - Sex, Ban - Ash[grey?], Yuuji - Distant
Q13. Make a wish on ashooting star, what is it?
Ryo : I want Money Money Money (laugh)
Kei : I don't wish on shooting stars.
Akira : I dont do that.
Bansaku : I'd wish for Happiness and Time off from work.
Q14. Whats your policy?
Ryo : Be a free spirit.
Kei : Whats mine is mine and what's yours is mine too.
Akira : Do it twice a day.
Bansaku : Be an adult, be a man.
This one's from Pigmy Volume 3, out in 2003 I believe.
Note, all these questions were asked by Pigmy fan members (however I didnt include their names or anything) You can see the pages I translated
here and
*Question Nine was really difficult for me and it's the one who's translation I'm very iffy about. I'm sorry.
Feel free to correct if you find any mistakes!