Elementary part 2

Oct 05, 2012 03:36

Watching Elementary's second episode.

I've decided before hand to treat this series as fairly as possible. Being me it's impossible to shake the cynicism inherent to "wow, who would have thought a modern Sherlock Holmes would be a good idea, hmm? oh wait...", but I really thought I could give it a fair go.

I've now realized it's impossible. It's not that it's impossible to give it a fair go, but it's absolutely impossible to see it with fresh eyes, when these same eyes very recently saw another show and I know most of the 6 episodes by heart. So when Miller's Holmes shouts "wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!" there's really one thing I can think of. Plus, what is wrong with him? Why is he constantly twitching? Even Cumberbatch's weird, Asperger's Holmes looks more normal in comparison. You're not supposed to make Holmes look like he has a mental and physical disability. I think...

Also, I'm still baffled by Liu's Watson. Today she's wearing false lashes? I'm sorry I'm thrown. I cannot think of anything else when she's in the frame. And she waves a dollar note to shut Holmes up with a bag of crisps? What is he? A freaking puppy? A child placated with a treat? This show is starting to look like Rain Man, with Liu as Cruise and Miller as Hoffman.

I've only watched 8 minutes of the second episode...

PS- The cases seem strong though, if not the deductions. Also that explanation with the oil and water? Very good writing. Took a potential "oh, here comes the lawsuit" scene into its own. Well done.

PS2- I also like that Holmes calls Watson "Watson" and not Joan.

elementary, sherlock holmes

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