Was up at 0430 this morning, having not slept very well, despite having doors and windows open to try and get the air to move through my apartment. Finished packing, noticing at the last minute the distinct lack of any trousers in the case! Somehow, even before I add training materials I will accumulate in Thailand and the US my luggage weighs 23.5kg. Must be the webcam I've packed so that I can chat to
lilitufire (and anyone else if they want to say 'hello').
Got a lovely smile from the woman on the JAL check-in desk this morning when, having greeted her with my best おはいよう ございます (ohayou gozaimasu), I admitted I could speak some Japanese. Hence I had explained to me all the usual formalities about where the lounge was in Japanese. And understood it!
Due to the early start, I now have a couple of hours here in the lounge to make use of the net connection, catch up on Livejournal and write some work emails. Unfortunately as international airline lounges go, the meagre rations at JAL are only surpassed by the US airlines, in my experience. For that reason (at least) roll on my next flight on British Airways.