May 22, 2005 16:34
This is my prayer as I seek to do your will this evening at Siren Project:
God of glory, whom all past, present and future glory should and shall reside, I thank you. This day has been one where you have opened my eyes a bit to my weaknesses and to how I can grow as a leader. Thank you for your daughter this morning who challenged me to not be so self centered and asked if she could help in my time of busy-ness and need. Thank you for her in my life Lord. Thank you for the blessings you gave me today with David and a couple of other people who had lunch at my house. Thank you for what you always seem to do in my life despite myself. I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for reminding me to call Steve and ask how the "updates" in his life went. Selfishly, I thank you that he is staying here. I pray that both he and his loved ones will become more involved with Siren once again. We need leadership and passion like his and more of a maturity within the walls of Sunday night.
God, this is my prayer, that this evening would bring all glory and honor to you. God I love you. You are amazing to me and give me way more than I deserve. How come you continue to bless me? I ask that you would mold my heart and make me more like your son, though I know I am eons away from his character. I pray that tonight's message on the Death of Truth will spark a challenge in some who hear for the first time, and would encourage some whom you have chosen to speak to. I pray that the people who come tonight would not leave unchanged. I also pray that you would encourage their hearts and bless them in their times of connecting with others their age. I also pray for the Seniors who might be coming now. I pray that this group can open up their arms and welcome them whole-heartily so that they too feel it as home.
I pray for the meeting afterwards involving those who want to be involved with the RemnantXP endeavor. God, how many times have I had good ideas that weren't YOUR ideas? I pray that this last attempt at a program that would allow for your word to remain in our hearts be extremely affective and that lifechange would happen. I pray that you would be honored in this meeting and that all those who go will see the passion that is you and desire to grow in their knowledge of you. God, I pray for life change, and over the course of these next few months, I pray that others would get excited. I pray for the impossible, that this would be the beginning of a movement back to reading your word, memorizing it, and spending time in prayer with you. I pray that you would bring the older people who have said they wanted to be involved and help them to see the importance of it in their OWN lives.
Dad, these requests are many, but I know that you are capable. I know that you are Lord of all and so I present these to you humbly at your feet to do what you want with them. As we begin this road in finding the Remnant, I pray that you would protect us Lord. Protect Kristen, Kara, Leah, Josh, Rob, Rob, David, Debbie, Serena, Kellan, James, Kelly, Jen, John, Jimmy and Jeff. I also pray for Sharon, Kim, Melinda, Waco, Mike and Lorie and Todd. Be with them this day and create in us the resolve to change the face of the world through you and your absolute Truth.
To you alone be all the glory God, Amen