May 17, 2005 09:12
May 15th marked the day I found myself empty from doing ministry. I was on the battlefield, preacing on Sunday night, and found, much to my dismay, that I had given all of my ammunition away so that others could fight the battles, but I had none myself. Staring down at me is the enemy as I run to the supply shed and abide with my Jesus.
So here we go again. Losing sight, I am a dog that returns to his vomit, and I particularly enjoy the chunky kind that makes me gag...side note. BUT, and it is a BIG BUT-T, I am encouraged by other's patience with me and their love that isn't based on my actions but rooted from the Lord. So, I pick the scroll up once again to read and chew, and it fills me completely. Priorities swing into their proper places, and I read through God's sovereignty a quote that I wrote, "If you are not in your word and praying every day, you are losing the battle." Who was I when I wrote that? Where did he go?
So I pick myself up through the grace arms of God, and replace to the forefront of my vision a focus that began many moons ago. As the dust settles in my complacency, I read 1 Kings 18-19, and ask myself, "Am I bowing the knee to the Baals of this world?" No more compromise. And God tells me clearly and emphatically, "Awaken the Remnant." It is to this I seek, and in this endeavor alone, that I will dedicate my next season in life to. Beware Devil, God is a mighty God, and you shouldn't have picked on his people!
To God ALONE be ALL...