Aaaah. Over a week now and things have settled down... Things were better than expected but WAY more smiling... smiling... and smiling that I've EVER done! My cheeks are totally in shape now!
Here's the fractal I did for our message board.
Shuichi has enough to summarize the whole event:
Emi & I all dressed up!
Shuichi's photos start from
hereif you can leave comments for shu. it was his first wedding in japan... and shooting with an SLR. ;-)
My brother in law "shadowed" the paid photographer almost the whole event with my D70. So we basically have digital versions of the pro's shots already, which is sweet. He did like 400 some shots. Those are on the other computer and still being processed. If you want more, just ask. ;-)
It was great to do a wedding. It really felt like our first project together and everything came out better than expected. It did totally suck up the last 6months for us... and NOW I feel I can "decompress". whew. Maybe it was better to have the wedding BEFORE Burning Man. ;-)