Random updates

Apr 13, 2006 09:46

-Younger sisters have been in town visiting for a month. It's been awhile since I've hung out with them but they seemed to have not changed much. It's kinda weird. It's their last weekend and I'll see if I can bring them out to a REAL tea ceremony place. Apparently they totally got gypped in Kyoto...
-I'm moving out! Yup, gave the landlord my 30days last month and movers are coming at the end of the month... getting rid of LOTS of stuff... like LOTS. Living in the same place for 5years does that and I'm glad to be getting rid of stuff. Damn, I was a packrat.
-Where am I moving to? Moving in with Emi... yup, the BIG move... my place is quite nice but her place is paid for. gonna be interesting how I squeeze everything into her place but getting rid of stuff helps.
-Also, had the BIG talk with Emi's dad last weekend. For those that don't know Japanese, be glad that there is only 1 or 2 politeness levels in English. I'm still trying to figure out what I said to him and how I "humbled" myself with what I said. It's a very crazy language indeed.

Lots of stuff moving forward. And lots more coming soon~!

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