Wildman Takuya Part 13

Jun 13, 2016 21:10

Title: Wildman Takuya
Pairing/Group: TakuGoro
Rating: PG [this chapter]
Genre: Adventure, Romance
Summary: The basic story of Tarzan but with Smap.

Such a pleasant dream. Laying out on the warm beach. Wishing he had the sun shade because it was so hot out. But he didn’t mind, Takuya was joining him. Reaching out to touch his concerned face when he stopped, hovering over him. They shared a gentle kiss, the gentliest he had ever gotten from the other man and he sighed into those strong arms that lifted him up. Takuya was taking him somewhere. Into the jungle where it was cooler? Because it was really hot out here in the sun. He clung to his lover as he was carried along the beach. Even though he was being carried he was short of breath and it was as hot as the devil’s inferno.

His eyes slowly slid open, suddenly full of stinging pain and tears. The house was on fire. For a moment he panicked as he was carried up the stairs. Struggling in the arms of this stranger carrying him. He could see over his shoulder, the whole front door was blocked by falling debris. Those arms became steel bands around him and he heard a familiar voice snap “Stop moving or we’re both going to burn!” Suddenly his surroundings didn’t matter. Through his blurry, smoked hazed eyes he could see his saviour. That well known handsome face and sharp brown eyes. He was cleaned up and his hair tied back. Looking like a sophisticated gentleman rather than the wild beast he had met so long ago. “Takuya?”

Suddenly having a panicking, wriggling man in his arms had not helped Takuya’s escape plan. Snapping at him seemed to be effective. He took in the layout of the upstairs. Two rooms were ablaze and a 3rd was catching. One door was closed tight. Placing his hand against it, it was warm but not burning. He tucked Goro closer to his body and stepped back. Lifting a leg high, it only took 2 kicks to bring it down. The rush of air from the sealed room made the flames chase them inside. Quickly he set Goro down and tried to get the window open. “Takuya how are you even here?” Pulling hard on the window and it stubbornly didn’t move, even under his massive strength, stuck due to the searing heat of the surrounding fire. “Nows not the time Goro-chan!” ripping the blanket off the bed and wrapping it around Goro and roughly picking up the slightly delirious man. He could hear the creaking in the roof and knew he had to hurry. Getting as far away from the window as he could he briefly heard “Wait did you just call me Goro-Chan?” before he ran full tilt towards the window. Tucking close as he lept through the large pane of glass, he could feel the flames flare up behind him. Just barely licking at his back.

He landed on top of the one story house across the way, as he heard the roof behind him crack and collapse. Losing his footing on the thick roof tiles, he still didn’t understand why anyone wore this idiotic shoes, he slipped and landed with a loud oomph in the bushes below. Cushioning the fall for his bewildered boyfriend. Panting as he came down from his adrenaline high, he was brought back on alert by the coughing bundle. Takuya rubbed his back and the blanket fell from around Goro’s face. His skin was shiny pink from the heat, covered in soot and his hair was a mess. But he was otherwise fine. He couldn’t help but smile and pull the other man in close, a soft kiss on the brow, then just resting his own forehead against it. “I was not going to lose you after coming this far” he said under his breath. Goro’s hands lightly touched his chest, almost as if he was doubting the fact he was really there. Violently those hands dug into him and pulled him for a kiss so hard Takuya’s big nose smacked right into him at first. Then teeth clashed as the other man swooped right back in, kissing him as if he hadn’t eaten in the 6 months they had been apart.

The fire trucks had shown up and they were trying to put out the blaze. It seemed that someone set the house on either side of their home on fire. Once the flames were contained to each building Nakai dashed down the cobbled alley, closely followed by Tsuyoshi and Shingo. Stopping as he rounded the corner behind the house, almost falling when Shingo and then Tsuyoshi ran into him. Only staying up right due to the man’s big arms catching him. He had not stopped touching him since he reappeared. He let out a deep sigh of relief at seeing the other two awkwardly laying in the bushes, desperately kissing. “We were worried about you two and here you are! Just off canoodling in the bushes!” Takuya had burst into hyena like laughter and Goro just hid under the blanket again in shame.

The other 3 pulled them out of the bushes. Shingo squeezing Goro too hard and Tsu patting him on the back so hard he started coughing again. Nakai was straightening up Takuya who was batting him away “That coat was expensive and you just dropped it on the ground” dusting off a fidgeting Takuya “I can drop my stuff on the group if I want” he pouted “Plus there was more important things happening” brow furrowing at the look thrown up at him. “I bought you some-” just interrupting “It was my money…” he grumbled. “Just because you killed a little lion…” Takuya puffed up “It was a big lion!”

The other 3 were just staring at this little squabble till it devolved into just growling and smacking, Shingo snorted and started laughing, which started the other 2 giggling. Just leaning on Goro the big man was almost in tears. “It looks like Takuya has joined the family” Nakai stomped right over giving the three of them a disapproving look so harsh, they felt like the rambunctious boys that the (barely) older man had originally taken in.

“What have you three done to get my house burnt down?”

fan fics, smap, takugoro

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