Years: Of Course I Love You

Apr 25, 2016 22:43

Title: Of Course I Love You
Pairing/Group: ShinGoro
Rating: PG, second half a little R
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Summary: Two friends make up and lovers reunite

Their schedules were packed. Not a free moment to themselves, and anything that might have been together both of them were supervised and watched like hawks. Snapped at if they were anywhere near one another. Bistro teams switched around earlier than they were supposed to be. Anything to keep those two away from one another. All 5 of them denied anything of the sort of course even the 3 that knew better. Takuya comforted Goro, despite Goro denying he was even hurt. Still trying to give his friend plausible deniability. Shingo moped a bit but ultimately tried to cheer up his best friend. Tsuyoshi had been a little sullen and distant to him and he knew exactly why.

In his first batch of free time in weeks he hunted down the smaller man. He was going to spend time with him, whether he liked it or not. “Tsuyopon!” he looped his arm in the other man’s as he caught him leaving for the day. “We are going to go have a few beers!” Shingo shushed his protests and he shoved him into a car. “Shingo! It’s been a long day and I’m tired!” he protested as he put his seatbelt on. “No, you’re avoiding me cause you're mad” the big man knocked his shoulder into the smaller man’s “For good reason though. I have been dumb and ignoring you. Then that stupid thing with the papers happened and made it even hard for us to just hang out” he sighed. “What was that all about with Gor-” Shingo but a finger to his friends mouth. “No talking about that or Goro or work. We are just going to have fun”

A few hours later full of good food and just enough alcohol to be nicely buzzed, they stumbled through the park. laughing and having fun. Finally finding a nice bench to sober up in the night air, they sat. “Shingo?” Tsuyoshi only slightly slurred “Do you still love me?” A sad look came across Shingo’s face and he threw an arm around his friend. “Of course I do! I’m sorry I made you think anything else.” squeezing the smaller man tightly till he protested “Sorry about everything. My head has been elsewhere these past few months.” Tsuyoshi just rested his head against his big friends shoulder. Feeling comforted by the big hand now resting on his head “ You usually only get like this when a girl is involved…” the big man stiffened a bit and his friend looked at him carefully “But you haven’t been hanging around with a girl just…” he thought for a moment then opened his mouth wide in shock “GOR-MMMPUMPH” Shingo covered his mouth “Don’t yell it Tsuyopon!” the smaller man just kept freaking out and talking despite the hand covering his mouth. Once he had calmed down a bit Shingo removed his hand. Silence stretched between the two men. Finally “It's like my best friend is with my weird older brother…” Tsuyoshi giggled. ‘So that day were you…?” Shingo ruffled his hair a bit “Kinda. I actually just brought him with me while I was shopping for a present for you! I wanted it to be a surprise…”

The older man’s face was slack “You bought me a present?” dragging his back over and digging into it “ Yes! Because you're my best friend and I felt bad for ignoring you so I wanted to get you something special” A wide open mouth smile and happy noises made just made Shingo want to hug the smaller man to bits. “A guitar strap made of jeans?!” he squeaked happily wrapping it around himself to see how it would feel. He was so excited over every detail. The leather reinforcement on the inside, the faux snow white rabbit fur shoulder pad, the vintage hardware reused from the jeans, and his favorite, the bejeweled line of skulls running down the whole thing. It was one of the best presents he had ever received.

Stretched out on the couch. Goro was relaxed and happily alone, except for the warm cat on his bare chest. He had a few good glasses of wine in him and a good book. A perfect night to himself. The soft fur of his pet was always relaxing to him. Laid out here alone, this was heaven. “Oh my god, you really do lay around naked” the man jumped hissing as cat claws dug into his chest, scrambling to cover up with a blanket from the eyes of his boyfriend. “Shingo! What are you doing here!” he barked angrily “I wanted to come see you” the big man purred as he flopped down on the couch and crawled above the other man. Goro was trying to pull the blanket further up but it was stuck under Shingo’s knee. “Mmmmm, Goro-chan~” he was kissing that vulnerable neck, trying not to giggle at the irritated man just pushing on the side of his face. “You shouldn’t even be near my house right now! Let alone in it! Just sneaking in here and attacking me as well!” Running his large hands over the exposed part of that creamy chest, kissing along that jaw and snuggling up to that ear “NinNin~” he giggled as a hand went under his jaw pushing him away. “Shingo, I can smell the booze on your breath. You’re drunk!” Roughly pinning that wrist the the arm of couch, Shingo got serious. “And you smell of wine.” leaning in close noses brushing, lips close “Plus I am really not that drunk” he cupped roughly between Goro’s legs, the only thing between them was the blanket he had tried to hide under. “Just horny” he growled taking those lips. Goro put up the charade of a struggle but quickly gave in to the bigger man. He also might have been a bit horny.

Deep in their passions, blanket discarded, Shingo’s clothes half removed impatient to have a piece of the man he had to be away from so long. Dragging the other man onto his lap, supporting him as he lowered himself on to his large aching cock. Lips latched onto that bobbing adam's apple, finally getting to dip into that sweetness after weeks of thirsting for it. He was about halfway in when both men froze at a knocking noise. It was the door. Someone was at the door. “Maybe they will go away” Shingo pointed out trying to hold the man scrambling off his lap in place. Pushing on his shoulders “No, it's my manager! They said they would stop by later to drop something off! That's why the door was unlocked” he hissed finally slipping out of those big arms. Stumbling across the room in a panic to find his clothes “Go hide!” the older man snapped. With swiftness usually not attributed to a man his size, Shingo disappeared. “He really is a ninja…”

After finally shooing his manager away, Goro leaned against the closed door and sighed deeply. That had been close. Locking the door and praying for no more visitors he went to go find his ninja. Shoulders drooping, but a warm smile on his face when he found him. Sprawled out on his bed, clothes draped across the old cheetah print arm chair, all the blankets kicked to the end of the bed, Shingo was dead asleep. The soft bed combined with the little bit of alcohol had pulled him into a sweet state of slumber. Sitting on the other side of the bed and reaching over to brush the bangs out of the other man's face. Even now he still looked like an innocent little kid when he was asleep, even if he was far from innocent, little, or a kid.

Laying down facing him just watching the other man sleep. He had always admired his creative spirit. The ability to create beautiful things out of nothing was a skill Goro just didn’t have. His wardrobe wasn’t even creative. He would have never used the word love to describe his feelings before. He couldn’t even describe them before. Admiration? Caring? Fascination? Those were the words he had always thought of but none ever seemed to fit right. But getting kissed that day in that dressing room and feeling his heart roar to life with a sudden want so strong it took his breath away. That was when the right word had popped into his head. The man was annoying, loud, and they did nothing but bicker. But they could also talk for hours about nonsense. Shingo could just sit, casually, right in his personal space and he would never feel the urge to tell him to back off or go away. And he made him smile, whether it was just a small one or one he hid with rolling eyes and groans, or a massive grin that actually made those deep smile lines appear on his face. He was pretty sure Shingo played a massive part in him having those in the first place.

Leaning over and planting a soft gentle kiss on those full lips. Goro pulled all the blankets up over the both of them. Tenderly tucking that big kid in he laid down himself, back to the other man. He was on the cusp of sleep when an arm draped over his middle and dragged him across the bed. A massive arm protectively over his head and the other holding him close. Shingo was still asleep. Goro smiled as he drifted off himself. The other man had never stayed over before...

fan fics, smap, shingoro

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