Years Part 3: Unsaid

Apr 11, 2016 19:51

Title: Unsaid
Pairing/Group: ShinGoro
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Summary: Takuya dealing with what he saw

Takuya watched the other two from across set. They were on a team cooking together today. Now that he was watching for it he could see it. It seemed plain as day to him now, that they were together. He had thought maybe that he was seeing things that day but when Shingo updated his blog with the story of his lovely day with Goro, minus the details about the kissing. Complete with pictures of Goro sleeping under that exact tree and one of him close up covered in blossoms. Takuya knew he hadn't just been dreaming.

The thing that clued him in to the fact he had definitely seen kissing was how mad Goro got at Shingo for the post. If it had been an innocent trip he wouldn't have cared as much but he had flipped out a bit and Shingo had to go calm him down in his dressing room. Now the doors and walls were thick but Takuya knew how to listen in.

“Are you mad about the sleeping picture? It was so cute, I had to take one”
“No! It was the fact you posted at all! Isn't this supposed to be a secret?”
“Ah, well yeah. But it's not like I said anything about the romance part”
“Didn't you say you kept your feelings to yourself for song long because of the others?”

Takuya perked up at this. So that's why they were being so secretive. To protect the group. The two of them should have know better. While it would have been a shock they would have protected them with all their might.

“...Hiding in plain sight is better don't you think? It's easier to be truthful when there's less to lie about”
A rustle of cloth and a muffled voice
“I guess you’re right. Sorry I snapped Shingo.”
A low chuckle “You stop feeling bad for that. Do you think after knowing you for 20 or so years I am not used to you being snappy? It's kinda cute most of the time”

The thwack sound and more chuckling was obviously Goro hitting the other man in the chest. Takuya had heard enough, sneaking away before he was caught.

Still watching them across set he nudged Tsuyoshi “Hey has Shingo seemed different to you?” the other man blinked a bit. “He seems happier” Cocking his head “What do you mean?” Looking up at the ceiling for a moment “He’s been smiling more, much more relaxed. Less stressed” Tsuyoshi smiled “He seems almost younger” Takuya nodded in agreement. Both of them seemed much happier.

LINE chat:
“Are you dating someone?”
“O.O; What makes you ask?”
“You’ve changed lately. More energy than usual. Smiling more”
“It's our job to smile Takuya”
“Don't give me that you know what I mean”
“^^; You caught me. I am seeing someone. We don't get together much but it's nice”
“You know you can tell me anything, right Goro?”

Takuya stared at his phone. Sprawled across his chair at home. Goro was normally very quick to reply unless he was working. Takuya knew he wasn't.

“Yes. I know.”

Nothing after that. He just sat there. Goro wasn’t going to say more.

“Well when you’re ready, I want to hear all about them”
“Of course Takuya :)”

fan fics, smap, shingoro

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