Elisabeth: The Differences

Jan 01, 2001 16:26

Alright, I always wanted to do this, this is a list of differences in Productions of "Elisabeth":

The Original Vienna Production(prior to 1995):

Deleted Song "Engel In Schwarz"(can be found in Uwe Kroger's First Album),  was later retooled for the show "Marie Antoinette".

The Prologue is extended with the Dead talking all about Elisabeth

"Nichts Nichts gar Nichts" has been shortened and its after "Mama wu Bist du".

Following the Shortened Sequence of "Nichts", there is a dance number that involves the inmates of the Irranhaus dancing wildly. This is not in the 1992 Cast Recording but on the 10th Anniversary Concert CD.

During "Rastlose Jahre", there was a song called Jagd which I am not sure whats happening and whats all the chanting about but its only found in the original versions only.

"Kitsch" has a very gothic-like intro that starts very slow(I think this is in the 1992 Vienna Cast Recording only but not on stage)

There is no Death verse that follows the "Ich Gehor Reprise"

Nur kein Genieren has the prostitutes in revolving platforms and Frau Wolf in a giant cash register

In the Finale, Death gives Elisabeth to the Black Angels and puts her down in her grave while Lucheni, hangs himself

Bumper Cars are in "Die fröhliche Apokalypse"

The Mayerling Waltz  has the Black Angels(plus Death) in Mary Vetsera's dress and doing Russian Roulette at the pistol.

The Costumes are very different from the Vienna Revival, examples would be the vine that is embroidered into the costumes and  Death's Outfit which contains a skirt-like Jacket :

Hungarian Production:
The Sets are different

A new song added for Death(Kein Kommen ohne Gehen)

All scenes take place in Hungary are longer and also has the Hungarian conspiracy scene(thanks Valancy, ^_^)

(All of these are credited to fyrie):
There's a lot of focus on the Sisi/Sophie enmity in this version. They're the two strong characters in this, with men running around in the background.

Death and angels come to take Sophie immediately after Bellaria.

At the end of Hass, Rudolf comes running on (like in the Toho production), but falls to the ground and is kicked, derided and spat on as a Jew-lover, Hungarian lover and adulterer.

There's also a random interlude of Elisabeth's riding. Lucheni is basically explaining about Sisi's continued flight from the Imperial control, with angelic dancing, just before Schatten.

Lucheni is basically a punching bag all over the place.

The angels are the secret police who find out the conspiracy, and Franz Josef's advisors are muttering about Rudolf being a complete shame, and we actually get Franz Josef's response, but those are just general little things.

"Totenklage" has Elisabeth in a duet with Sophie's Ghost(thanks Valancy, ^_^)

"Bellaria" is another new song added to the score(thanks Valancy)

Death's verse in "Ich Gehor Reprise" is there(thanks Valancy)

Song order is like the Vienna Production

If I am not mistaken, the Prologue is still extended like the Original Vienna

Death has a sparkling costume that appears to be velvet by the looks of it:

Takarazuka(I think I'll go into Costumes but I lost a lot of Foursome/Le Cinq pics I used to have):

Contains the new song(Ai to Shi no Rondo), and this is the only production to reprise it throughout the show

Keeps the extended Prologue

There is an ent'reacte to the tune of "Ai to Shi no Rondo" before "Kitsch"

Hass is cut from the score due to political reasons

The Mayerling Waltz orchestration is extended in 1997 Star Troop-onwards(in 1996 it was the Original Orchestrations)

In 2002 Flower Troop, "Watashi ga Odoru Toki" is added to the score

Another added scene, Elisabeth is in Hungary with a dress in Hungary's colors(I think this is tamer than the killing off her daughter part).

A weird conspiracy scene is in this one: let me explain for those who doesn't know, its about Rudolf and some groups of Anarchists talking about plotting against Franz Josef, then follows by a fantasy coronation sequence then followed by an uproar in the streets.

Death is more the center focus of the show

Elisabeth is watered down a bit, almost like a princess in a fairy tale.

Adds dialogue to the semi-sung through show.

"Nichts Nichts" is after the "Die rastlosen Jahre"

No Bumper Cars in "Die fröhliche Apokalypse"

Nur kein Genieren has a little ballet sequence with Madeline and Franz Josef to the tune of the Mayerling waltz

"Kitsch" is watered down to the point Lucheni mentions about how Sisi used her beauty instead of reconstructing her legend(a la Romy Schneider films), rather cynically.

The score is shortened to make way for the revue portion.

Elisabeth Rises up on the platform along with Death in the finale and smoke effects(wow!)

Adds the Death verse in "Watashi Dake ni Reprise"

Essen/Dutch/Stuttgart(all of these productions are similar but with the exception of Costumes for Death and songs, plus production differences):

Deleted song "Wenn Ich Tanz"(a prototype of "Wenn Ich Tanzen Will"), was later retooled and added to "Marie Antoinette".

The Prologue is Shortened in other words, the whole part where the dead talks about Elisabeth is removed entirely.

Mayerling Waltzer has the Black Angels in their normal outfits playing and tossing Rudolf's gun until Death appears and swings with him finally handing him the gun.

Death has the verse in "Ich Gehor Reprise"

A new scene which involves Young Rudolf and Sophie called "Kind oder nicht"

"Nur kein Genieren" has all the prostitutes dressed like high class callgirls.

"Eljien"is cut completely(Grrr!)

No Jagd

During "Kitsch", the whole coronation in Hungary is on stage behind Lucheni(this can explain the cutting of" Eljien"), also makes "Wenn Ich Tanzen Will" much easier to understand in Stage Entertainment versions.

2 Arguments with Franz Joseph and Rudolf is added

"Bellaria" is added to the score(thanks to Valancy, ^_^)

In the Dutch Version, "Nichts, nichts, gar nichts" was after "Bellaria" and before "Rastlose Jahre".(thanks to einekaiserin, ^_^)

No Bumper Cars in "Die fröhliche Apokalypse"

A weird conspiracy scene is in this one: let me explain for those who doesn't know, its about Rudolf and some groups of Anarchists talking about plotting against Franz Josef, then followed by an uproar in the streets.

In the Dutch Version, "Mama, wo bist du" is after "Die fröhliche Apokalypse" and before "Elisabeth, mach auf mein engel". Another "Mama wo bist du" in in the Dutch as well with 13 year old Rudolf.

"Totenklage" has Elisabeth in a duet with Sophie's Ghost(Dutch Only)

"Wenn Ich Tanzen Will" is added in 2001 in the Essen Production

The ending has Death carrying Elisabeth in his arms and then traveling to the Kingdom Of The Dead

Vienna Revival:
Most of the costumes are based from the Original Vienna Version except Death's main costume

Sets are the same as Original Vienna

There is a scene with Young Rudolf and Sophie in the first act called "Kind oder nicht"

"Wenn Ich Tanzen Will" is after "Eljien"

"Bellaria" is the new song in the score

No "Jagd"

Song Order is similar to Original Vienna but has "Hass" after the argument of Rudolf and Franz Josef

Toho Production:
Death has different Costumes per each actor(example would be Yuichiro Yamaguchi's long blond wig, Masaaki's white wig,  and Shinji Takeda's Bluish/Black hair with green and magenta streaks)

Sets are different and a more symbolic staging never seen in Takarazuka

Its more centered around Elisabeth

Has "Ai to Shi no Rondo"

After the Maladie, Elisabeth has a new solo all to herself called "Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit"(its removed as what I heard but I don't have a definitive answer to back this up but I think its because of "Bellaria", its a bonus track on the Stuttgart Cast)

Hass is in this one

"Bellaria" is added in 2004 to the Toho Score

In 2004 "Watashi ga Odoru Toki" is in the score but it is an extended version and changed lyrics compared to the Takarazuka

A weird conspiracy scene is in this one: let me explain for those who doesn't know, its about Rudolf and some groups of Anarchists talking about plotting against Franz Josef, then followed by an uproar in the streets.

The Finale is somewhat different, let me explain:

Death puts away Elisabeth in this coffin after the final note and kiss. It looks kinda creepy,  O_O!

Berlin Tour

Costumes has been changed drastically, especially now Death has a suit that is similar to something you would find in a suit department store(ewww).

The sets changed drastically as well, there are large screens of projections that shows either a blue sky, a corrupting empire(I hope I am getting these projections right), and a large eagle set piece that moves around and shatters(?)

I'll Add more if I have the time(I need extreme help with more Hungarian, Toho, Finnish, Swedish and Swiss productions).


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