Do You Smell Smoke??

Dec 08, 2009 23:02

Perhaps it's the charred remains of my Statistics final exam .... the one where I went out in a blaze of (in)glorious math anxiety.

Oh, yeah, baby! Going down with such spectacular and fiery distinction does not dampen my spirits - nor adversely affect my final grade - and just makes me ecstatic to know that, mathematically, I am Average.

Break out the barbecue grill and start fanning the flames for Saturday! No more "are we there yet?" Baby, I have arrived!

I am finished with all my schoolwork for my Master's degree. On Saturday morning, I will walk in the same ceremony as my niece, Al (who is graduating summa cum laude). I will sleep the Sleep of the Academically Exhausted, and wake up on Sunday morning, educationally debt-free. I will read for pleasure. I will watch movies in a movie theater with animemojo. I will play video games. I will cook new recipes. I will paint my living room. I will take art field trips. I will start creating art again. I will teach my nieces new and cool things that will irritate my siblings. I will travel - hopefully to St. Augustine - with animemojo.

But most importantly .... I will have my Master's degree!

kneel before the feet of a master!!, way to go big al!, back to having a real life, average but good with money

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