Round three cancelled. Information about the future of Tok'ra Kree!

Oct 01, 2013 14:04

In light of the results of the poll, and the lack of sign-ups for round three, we are cancelling/closing round three. A new round will start in November, as a prompt-a-thon instead. More information about it will follow closer to November.

The future of Tok'ra Kree!

The form of the challenge has now been changed to a prompt-a-thon, which will hopefully give more people a chance to participate.

The prompt-a-thon's will run twice a year, with the following schedules:

  • Weeks 1-2: people leave prompts
  • Weeks 3-5: anyone wanting to participate can claim one prompt.
  • Weeks 6-11: if people feel they have the time and resources, they can claim any of the remaining prompts.
  • Weeks 12-13: works may be posted at any time

Also, I would like to repeat that there has been a rule change for the fanworks for Tok'ra Kree! as well. It is no longer a requirement that a Tok'ra is among the main characters of the fanwork, merely that they play an important role.

Full rules here:

FAQ here:

!rules and timeline, !mod post

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