The Second Chance

Apr 07, 2013 09:50

Tittle : The Second Chance
Author : tokoyam1 a.k.a Konoya
Rating : G
Genre : Fluff
Status : One Shot
Pairing : Taguchi Junnosuke x Ueda Tatsuya [JunDa]
Guest : Nishikido Ryo [Just Name]
Disclaimer : I just own the idea and story.
Summary : How stupid he is to believe that man words. Is this due to his hypocrisy? [i am suck with write summary]
A/n :
1. This is my First English Junda Fanfic, and i am not really confidence about this.
2. I am not good for write English Fanfic, so if you find a lot of mistake with my words, please forgive me.
3, I read this fanfic but Indonesia Version again, and read the comment from despygurl and i guess i should try to make English version. Thank you Amel... XD
4. Beta by citraryo, thanks a lot cit-chan.

Night after night I always cries. Someone who I love has gone away from me now. He chose the path that he knew was right. Not a single line that he'd asked at the end of our struggle. Just a word "sorry", and he was gone for good with her. The woman who he believes is his destiny.

How stupid I am to believe his beautiful words. Is this due to my hypocrisy?


"Tatsuya, Be the companion of my life forever. Though the world hates us, I do not care, as long as you are beside me, that would be enough."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, you are my destiny. Would you accept me?"

"Yes, ..."

End of flashback

I threw my body over my favorite white sofa. In this dark room. I could let out my feelings that seemed like exploding every day. This time too, the tears flowed, the sinking feeling always hits me.

I received his confession even though I know that many obstacles will come to both of us. And with my hypocrisy, I believe we will be united forever. But now, all the words that became my power devastated me. Making me think how stupid I was.

Clik >> *the door is opened*

"Uepi?" a very familiar person came into my apartment. Taguchi Junnosuke, a man who has always been at the right time when I was overwhelmed by sadness. Sometimes, I wondered if this guy ever felt sadness? Why did he continue to smile in front of me, even though he was crying?

"Are you there? Junno said, a little screaming.

I wiped the tears away with my hands quickly. It’s enough already he saw me crying and trying to comfort me.

"Uepi, Are you there? Why are the lights turning off again?" Junno asked.

"Junno. Why do you come? Hahhahaa .." I replied.

Click >> turn the lights on

"You're crying again huh?" Junno asked and sat right next to.

Gentle caress in my head from the hands of someone I did not deserve. A man who always cheered me up, making me laugh even though his jokes were not funny. But his smile and his touch made me comfortable near this guy.

"What Junno? Do you need something from me?" I asked as I looked at his face.

"No. as usual, I want to be on your side this time. Because I know, you would cry again because of him." Junno stared back at me.

"See, your eyes are swollen from crying. Your sac eyes are also getting bigger. You're not pretty anymore. Hime’s KAT-TUN can be lost." Junno said while his thumb touching my face, stroking my cheek as he did feeble joke.

"So, you do not like me because I am not hime again?" I asked a little pouting. So, Junno suddenly embraced me, gently stroking my short hair.

"Whoever you are, whatever you are, I still love you. You are still our hime. They also know it." Junno very clearly, I believed, as he said it, he smiled.

"Ne Junno?" I said on the sidelines of his arms.


"Why are you always smiling in front of us? Do not you ever get tired? You could tell me. I will listen." I pleaded. The embrace loosened and now we locked eyes.

"Do not you realize? I smile, only when I am near you. I do not want you to see me sad because of your grief is hard enough. Have you realized I always smile just to keep you smiling with Me? And I want you to also realize that you're not alone, you have me who always love you, even though you do not realize it. But, I shall be waiting. “He gave me his full-face smile. This time, his smile was so gentle and made me so comfortable.

Junno who has always been by my side.
Junno who has always smiled at me.
Junno who has always cheered me up.
It turned out that all this time, over the years, he kept his feelings towards me.
Remaining with the sense even though he knew I was with him.
How stupid I was. I was fooled with false love.
Whereas real love was there in front of my own eyes.
True love knew no falsehood.

The tears flowed again. This time, it was not because of him but because of my happiness.
Junno hugged me tightly, someone who always smiled at me.

"Honto?" I asked.


Somehow, This heart did not have any doubts about the expression of his love.
Did I deserve it? he was so sincere to me.

"Junno. You know I still love him, right?" the questions were answered with a nod. But I know, he's so sad.

"Demo, I will struggle to forget him and love you. I'm not going to waste your sincere love." we embrace it regardless. Smiles blossomed on our faces.

"Un. Arigatou. Gabarimasho."

"Un  ... GANBARIMASHO!" I yelled.

I am hugging Junno’s tall body. Sincerity radiated from the warm body of a man who is now my best man. Not just now, but the companion of my life forever.

Ne, I will not hate you anymore, my past man. But I said thank you, for you, I found my true love. My true destiny of love. Thank you and goodbye my first love, Nishikido Ryo.

one shot, kat-tun/oc, junda

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