Bokurano ep. 20

Oct 02, 2011 19:36

I can see why fans of the manga don't like the anime much. There's too many liberties taken with the source material, and so much time devoted to side characters. It really feels like it lost the kids being the focus. Also, it seems like they play too fast and loose with the rules of the game to fit the plot, which leaves these huge contradictions in the story.

I also don't like the way they keep changing the backstories of the kids. There's little to no family interaction, and the characters whose family interactions made for the most touching moments of the manga had them completely written out. It would've been nice to see some how the plot affects their families, and the parents that do appear just disappear in a way that was totally unnecessary and adds nothing to the plot. Anko's dad? Komo's dad? Come on! And I find Jun's re-written backstory kinda stupid, actually :\

The only one who seems to have benefitted thus far is Kirie, since we didn't even see his fight in the manga, and he was so cool here.

What a shame. The series started out so strongly, too.

anime, bokurano

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