Protect Marriage...FOR THE CHILDREN!!!11ELEVENTY!!

Jan 12, 2010 22:37

Overheard while walking down a street in Beverly Hills: a man and his two young sons were standing behind us waiting for the light to cross

SON: *asks a question*
DAD: Do you know the answer?
SON: *stumped*
DAD: Don't ask a question unless you know the answer.
*me: why would he be asking if he knew the answer?
SON: (hurriedly)I know the answer! It's---I just-- *gets very confused*
DAD: *triumphant*

Our group crosses the street.

FRIENDLY AND POLITE POLLSTER: Hi! Would you like to help legalize gay marriage?
DAD: Not in this lifetime.
me: .....

But of course, traditional marriage is supposed to be good for the children. Because it promotes responsible parenting.

prop. 8, douchebags, rl

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