Pocky/Beppero Day~

Nov 11, 2009 23:00

When you see the ones all lined up in a row, you know that means one thing...


...or Beppero if you're Korean.

What started off as a joke holiday referenced by the way the numeral one mimics a long biscuit dipped in chocolate has turned into the Korean equivalent of Valentine's Day. Except they have Valentine's Day (and White Day), there too. But the point is, it's a holiday where none of the schools close but Lotte, the manufacturer of Beppero (the Korean equivalent of Pocky) gets a commercial boon.

I mean, it seriously used to be a joke. But look how it's evolved!

This was the supermarket display. Beppero of all shapes and sizes!

Beppero mascot made out of--Beppero!

Giant Beppero! Beppero gift sets! What more could one possibly want?

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, remember to give thanks.

image Click to view

My mom actually got me that huge stick of Beppero for today LOL! But I am full from pumpkin bread tonight, so the unboxing shall have to wait for tomorrow.

Happy Beppero/Pocky Day~ ♥
[EDIT]: my childhood ._.
link is very nsfw

yummies for me, pocky day, wtf, lolkorea, rl

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