This is just my wish, my hope, my thought. No need to feel offended..
I really hope 신화 can win this year. The year where they comeback after 4 years hiatus. 14 years. Who are you kidding? They're the one n the 1st group n yet they still can keep n maintaining their popularity until now, even their fanbase is getting bigger.
What exactly are you looking for in a group?
Talent? Well, there's no doubt that they are talented. Dance, acting, singing, rapping, musical, gag, MC, you name it, they've done it.
Face? Can't you see that they're actually oh so good looking, handsome, n adorable?!! One of them even has been called as a statue for how he's that good..
Experience? Dude, they've been in the worst situation before and it can't be compared with another group. Yet, they still standing until now and keep getting stronger days by days.
Conclusion is, with their capability and talent, I think they really deserve to win. Beside, I'd like to think that IF they got the award, so then we can think that as a gift to them for their comeback this year. Isn't it good to hear? 2012, the year when they comeback and the year when they get award in their comeback year.. :))
(Aren't they adorable?) xD
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