.Are you Ready?.

Jun 11, 2007 15:43

NAME: Are you Ready?
FEATURES: Reita of The GazettE
PREVIEW: reitatester
STYLE: S1 Generator
Work with Plus Accounts? I don't believe so
This layout includes a side bar on the right, all you have to do is fill it up with your information, if you need help doing that just ask and I'll be more then willing to tell you how since there is some html involved. The information needs to be filled out twice so it'll show up on both your main page and your friends page like you want it too.

Page Layout Style

Your page layout style has to be set like this for the layout to look right. As well your colour theme needs to be set to custom colours and all the colour spaces need to be blank.

User Info
You need to have a website listed in your user info or the layout will not appear right.

They are provided in the coding so you don't have to worry about uploading them somewhere.

Be sure you replace everything that says reitatester with your username otherwise the links won't work properly for you.





%%readlink%% &are you ready



http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/3374/reitalt9.png" class="x" style="display:inline;" border="0" />


LASTN_TALK_READLINK=>%%messagecount%% {

FRIENDS_TALK_READLINK=>%%messagecount%% {


http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/3374/reitalt9.png" class="x" style="display:inline;" border="0" />



%%readlink%% &are you ready


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