May 03, 2007 18:35
I am so bored today. I have nothing to do exept to go on LJ. School today was okay.My cousin likes this guy and when some of her friends called her name he looked.She didn't know till they told her at break. Well I'm pretty pissed about the Cd album . I cant wait any longer. Today me and my friend Raina forgot our reports,so they get deducted 30%,buut its not a biggy for me i could just do Extra Creidt. My friend likes this guy in our 6th period .His name is Tanner.It was so funny when she asked this one girl if she thought he was hot.She said "why?'.After school that girl walked up to Tanner and said"Hey Tanner, Raina likes you" So now she is sooooo nevous to talk to him.My friend Mia was cring today. Cause she got introble.She tought it would go on her perminit record but Ive done worse.In 2nd grade this swarm of guys were running towards up so I run up and kicked this guy named Eddie Hernandez in the balls.He told and I got a red slip which my parents were suppose to sign .My teacher tottaly forgot about it and 2 years later my parents were cleaning and i found . I got so scared i flushed down the toliet. days ago my Bro got a percing and he lost the screw.I started laughing at him.Well stay cool.
I love Bill!