Text meme

Sep 23, 2008 19:16

1. Go to the inbox on your cellphone
2. Scroll down to the tenth text you got and use the first line as answer to question one.
3. Then scroll down ten more texts and use the first line to answer question two...
and so on...
4. Tag 3 people

1. What would you say if your boyfriend cheated on you?
Mascot is here!
2. What do you always tell your best friend?
3. What would be the first thing you'd say if your friend got hit by a bus?
Bill of course, but nevermind.
4. What text touched you the most?
Preceding msg modified, Media objects were removed.
5. What does your mother say before you go to bed?
Tom liked my doll!
6. What would you shout if you one 150 000 dollar?
I'm looking forward to that ;D
7. What words would you say to god if you believed in him?
8. What do you wanna hear most of all right now?
Yes maam
9. What would you say if you got the highest grade possible in all classes?
No well go thursday.
10. Your pick-up line?
Come here theres a girl with pink hair who wants to talk to you
11. What would you say if someone stole something from you?
LB in half hour?

Man why did it not land on any of my "Penis" texts? There are actually quite a lot of them.

Tag: siobhan_says_so ,  dellara , whoever else wants to
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