Apr 12, 2008 07:52
OK so I'm pretty sure all of you already heard the news about Ayabie touring the US this coming June.. I'm not in the slightest way happy or excited about the news. Of course, good for them, they are getting a wider audience.. and touring overseas will be a good experience for them.. probably.. BUT, you know how USA has affected every other band that went there.. I don't wangt Ayabie to change (even more, but this time in a negative way) because of this tour...I hope the tour doesn't affect Ayabie in that way.. I pray like crazy it doesn't. Every band that I has loved.. has gone and toured America.. have changed way too much now they end up being my most hated. I can't ever imagine that happening with Ayabie but I really hope they don't change.. I don't want to lose them. But it seems I already am, it feels like they are going further and furthr away from me since I left Japan.. I don't feel as connected to them as I did when I was there and I was able to see them, meet them, write to them, support them, go to their lives, read their blogs everyday.. I can't do this now I am in Australia as much also because of school and it breaks my heart. These boys are my my family, and they mean the world to me. And whats with this new Official "USA" myspace? Thats just too much......-_-; Sorry for this pointless post, I just wanted to express my thoughts on this.