App Post

Aug 25, 2008 19:42

Character: Tokitoh Minoru
Series: Wild Adapter
Character Age: Unknown, appears around 20
Canon: You wouldn’t really expect a manga published in a bi-monthly yaoi magazine to be full of blood, gore, yakuza, and drugs, but that’s exactly what Wild Adapter is. Initially following the adventures of one Kubota Makoto, the upstart leader of the Izumo Yakuza youth group, everything starts to change when he stumbles upon a mysterious drug-known only as WA-that turns addicts into animals before exploding their organs. This is also shortly before the day that Kubota picks up a stray cat with a strange, animal hand, eerily reminiscent of the bodies of WA victims.

The “stray cat” in question is Tokitoh Minoru. Without any memories of anything before he met Kubota, Tokitoh is every bit a curious stray kitten. He’s quick to hiss and lash out if you rub him the wrong way, cocky and confident when he’s in his element, cheerfully curious against what some might call better judgment, and more than a little rough and vulgar around the edges. Yet throughout it all, Tokitoh remains grateful to Kubota for taking him in, but at times still struggles with trying to learn more about the world around him.

Sample Post: Geeze! Talk about a hassle This's the last time I do anything for that stupid unlicensed doctor freak or Kubo-chan. Those morons, sayin' this would expand my horizons and all. Once I get outta this mess I'm gonna kick his ass to the horizon. This Tokitoh-sama is above stupid delivery jobs! If no one shows up I'm gonna just drop this dumb package right into the lake. Delivery complete or not, that'll teach the dumb quack to turn me into his errand boy. Now just where was that lake again . . . ?

Aww fuck, this sucks! I can’t ditch on the stupid job if I can’t find my way out! I guess since I've already got lost so much here, I might's well get the dumb thing done. I guess it's not really that surprising that they've got an Americatown in Yokohama, there's the Chinatown after all. But the directions were still kinda strange. I didn't know Americans were all that secretive, hidin' themselves way off in the back of the closet.

Plus you call this Americatown? It's just a giant swamp! Where's the cowboys? Screw cowboys, where's the anyone?! I've got a delivery to make, yanno! Geeze! It’s bad enough I got sent off on some wild goose chase to some freaky Americatown with stinky swamp water-now there’s no one here to pick it up except for the creepy zombie people an-ah! Hey, wait! C'mon, I didn't mean you looked like a zombie, you just look like you're kinda dead on your feet an-hey, get back here!

Shit, it's been hard enough to find anyone living here, I’m willing to settle for half-living or whatever the hell you are. Look, I'm just here to give some Marcy girl this package so just help me out and I'll pay you back, I swear. I'll do anything you want just-h-hey hold on a second! I said I’d do anything but I’m not gonna play dress up just for information, you stupid pervert! Screw your help! I don't care if you know where I've gotta go, I'm not crossdressing just for some stupid job and-hey fuck you! Cat ears ain't fine either!

All right just forget this shit! I'm not about to join your stupid kitty cat club or lollipop guild or whatever! I'll just haveta find someone else to tell me where this dumb Marcy chick is so I can deliver the-wh-what the fuck?! What the hell do you mean she's in the lake?! What kind of chick lives in a lake and orders birth control from some unlicensed Chinatown quack? You know what, scratch that. This delivery's over. I don't even want to know.

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