Title: It’s a Love/Hate Sort of Thing…
Pairing: Hikaru Yaotome / Okamoto Keito
Rating: PG ( for Hikaru meanieness…XD)
Warnings: Hikaru isn’t really all that nice…
Summary: Hikaru isn’t thrilled about his new debut. In fact, it’s the opposite. All Keito wants to do is help but it doesn’t seem like that’s enough…
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
He wasn’t sure how it had happened; and was almost positive there was no warning. But then again there had been things that could contribute to this outcome. For one, he was the kindest, most genuine person he’d ever met. And on the other hand, what he’d once seen as a cute face was slowly becoming more and more grown up. More attractive to put it bluntly; or was that just his emotions playing tricks on his eyes? What ever the cause, Hikaru couldn’t deny it any longer. After two months of repressed feelings he’d finally given up on fighting; because he was undoubtedly, irreversibly, and hopelessly in love with Okamoto Keito.
Before he’d acknowledged it himself things hadn’t been so difficult. The occasional day dreamy stare or blush on contact. Besides that, communicating with Keito had been relatively easy. But now, now that Hikaru had decided to confront his feelings for Keito he couldn’t so much as look him in the eye without wanting to turn and hightail it in the opposite direction. Was there any hope for him left out there somewhere? Because as of now, he was doomed.
“Hikaru, you are such a drama queen.”
Hikaru was pulled out of his reverie by Inoo who sat next to him on the couch reading a magazine. Well trying to anyway.
“What do you mean? I’m no drama queen!” Hikaru shook his fist threateningly at his friend.
“I mean, you huffing and sighing and staring off into dreamland is making reading rather difficult. This girl you can’t stop thinking about, I suggest you tell it to her straight and get the load off your chest. Or else I don’t think I’ll ever be able to finish this article.” Inoo pulled a sigh of his own as he began to read once more.
“Girl? What girl? I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Hikaru huffed yet again and crossed his arms.
Inoo didn’t look up as he turned the page, “Like I said, you should get it off your chest.”
Hikaru eyed his friend incredulously with frustration until he pulled himself up off the couch in an attempt to leave the room. Fate seemed to glare down on him that day as he ran right into Keito who was arriving for practice.
“Ah! Hikaru-kun! Sorry I didn’t see you there.” Keito gave him an apologetic smile as he hoisted his bag further up his shoulder, “What are you up to?”
All coherent thought left Hikaru’s mind as he wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans in an attempt to recollect himself. “Erm…not much really, I-I-I was just about to-“
“He was just about to confess to the girl he likes.” Inoo said from his spot on the couch, glancing up from his spot on the couch with a malicious smile and evil glint in his eye, “I think he should do it soon or something bad might happen to him.”
Keito gave Hikaru a funny look. It bounced from a look of shock, to one of disappointment only to land on one of worry, “What?! Something bad? Like what?”
Inoo beckoned Keito over to him with his hand, and hissed in a low voice, “He might get an ulcer. From worrying too much!”
Hikaru watched to exchange with annoyance, “Keito, don’t listen to him. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s just trying to make me mad.”
Inoo shook his head sadly, “Like I said, an ulcer. It was nice knowing you Hikaru.”
“Hikaru’s going to die!?” Keito was frantic now. Rushing up to the older boy Keito grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him, “Say it isn’t so! Hikaru, don’t die!” Before the older member could pry off the distressed boy, Keito had placed his hand on Hikaru’s forehead, “You don’t feel warm… Do you feel sick?”
Hikaru tried to control the blush that forced its way onto his face to no avail. Why did Keito have to care so much? Hikaru threw a glare at Inoo who had commenced reading his magazine with a small smirk. With an annoyed sigh, Hikaru pried Keito’s hand off his forehead, “I’m fine Keito. Inoo’s just trying to make me mad, like I said.”
Hearing a snort from the other side of the room Hikaru threw another glare at Inoo, “So, is it working?”
Holding back an angry snarl, Hikaru pried Keito’s hand, which had found its way back, off his forehead once again and stomped towards the door. “I swear…”
“I can’t believe it! After all he puts me through…”
Hikaru slammed his head onto the table for the umpteenth time. Currently, his math book lay open on the table and him homework unfinished because Yabu suddenly became busy when Ryutaro needed help with his dance. “How did I loose to that little pipsqueak?” He asked himself with self pity.
“Because he’s cuter than you.”
Hikaru didn’t bother to look up from his position of face to table, “Go away Inoo.”
Inoo smiled wickedly, “But didn’t you ask for my help?”
Hikaru gave a dramatic sigh, “Yeah, but I decided I’d rather fail instead. Sorry for bothering you.”
Covering his heart in a stricken manner, Inoo lamented, “Uwah…so mean Hikari-chan! And here all I wanted to do was help you!”
“Oh shove it…” Hikaru sighed and sat up as Inoo sat down. “Is there any way you can make this quick and painless?”
“You make it sound as if I’m going to kill you,” Inoo snickered.
“Might as well…”
Inoo only smiled as he pulled the math book towards him.
“So, that’s it then?” Inoo sighed and leaned back in his chair. Despite being the embodiment of all that is evil in Hikaru’s world, he was an indispensable genius. And surprising enough didn’t torment him during the tutoring session. But Hikaru presumed it would start now.
“Yes, that’s all there is.” He looked away knowing Inoo would start the tormenting now.
Looking at Hikaru and the pitiful look on his face did nothing to deter Inoo. “So…you like Keito don’t you?”
Hikaru’s eyes widened as his head snapped to the left to look at Inoo, “What?!”
“You heard me. You like him don’t you?”
Swallowing hard, Hikaru avoided his gaze, “What happened to the girl I liked?”
Inoo snorted and crossed his arms, “Don’t change the subject.” Hikaru cringed. He was much too perceptive for his own good. “But what I don’t understand is how Keito doesn’t see it. I mean, he’s supposed to be the one that can read you like a book right? Well, anyone could do that if they tried…”
Frustrated, Hikaru stood up with balled fists and marched to the door, “I have no Idea what you’re talking about, but it’s pissing me off anyway!” Hikaru pulled the door open to see Yabu reaching for the door handle and Keito a step behind him. Yabu regarded his distressed face with worry and opened his mouth to speak. “I’m fine. It’s nothing!” Hikaru cried as he cut him off, pushing past the both of them.
Yabu watched him leave with a confused look on his face, then glanced in the room to see Inoo sitting at the table with a neutral expression, “What happened?”
Inoo shrugged, “Plan A was successful.”
Yabu looked down the hall once more with a knowing look, “Ah I see. I hope it wasn’t too difficult.”
“No, of course not…” Inoo looked at Keito who looked as clueless as ever. Smiling at the younger boy he gestured to the direction Hikaru had went, “Keito, I suggest you go check up on Hikaru…”
Authors Note: So here you have it, chapter 5! Sorry it took me so long! I had to finish my Japanese and Math finals; and then I got really sick! Today is the first day I've felt like a human being again! LOL I loved Inoo in this chapter, and writing witty banter is my most favorite of things to write! I hope it was worth the wait, and that you liked it! And thanks again for reading and commenting like you all have! Much loves! ♥3♥